Sunday, November 25, 2018

Blog (s) on hiatus

Well, I’ve said this before, I will say it again: HERE WE GO AGAIN.

In August I put out a Blog Statement announcing I was putting my Blogs to a Monthly Schedule for the remainder of 2018 – excluding Raw Flesh.

The plan was to put them back on track on 2019.

Not long after posting that, after much consideration, I decided to put all Blogs, including RAW FLESH, on hiatus until 2019.

This was supposed to have been announced weeks ago, but didn’t happened because I was sick and spent Halloween in the hospital with pneumonia. Getting better was a more of a priority then posting.

In the New Year, the Blogs will return starting from scratch. I need to prioritize certain things and this is the best decision at the moment – and will be better for the Blogs in the long run.

Upon their return The Burning Mind, This Is A True Story, What I Watch I Review and Raw Flesh will be posted on a Monthly Basis. As the year progresses and things play out I may post more often, perhaps even moving back to a bi-weekly or weekly schedule.

Right now, a monthly schedule will be best.

I will however return to doing the Burning Mind weekly Reviews each Saturday.

Wrestlementary will be handled differently – an actual format for Wrestlementary will be figured out and announced later.

All Blogs Will Return with ‘State of’ initial posts on:

  • Monday, December 31st – State of the Master
  • Tuesday, January 1st – Wrestlementary
  • Wednesday, January 2nd – The Burning Mind
  • Thursday, January 3rd – This Is A True Story
  • Friday, January 4th – What I Watch I Review
  • Sunday, January 6th – Raw Flesh

Then, they will resume being posted on what is (for now) planned as the regular Schedule:

  • The Burning Mind – Wednesday, January 9th; Then the FIRST Wednesday of Each Month
  • This Is A True Story – Thursday, January 17; Then the SECOND Thursday of Each Month
  • What I Watch I Review – Friday, January 25; Then the THIRD Friday of Each Month
  • Raw Flesh – Sunday, January 27th, Then the FOURTH Sunday of Each Month
  • State of the Master – The Last Day of Each Month
  • Wrestlementary – TBA

So, for January expect two posts per Blog, then monthly after that. With Wrestlementary’s schedule to come.

I will still be making periodical postings to Facebook and Twitter with updates as we close in on the New Year.


Ace Masters.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

I Speak American

Not that long ago I was corrected on the proper use and pronunciation of a very simple word by an elderly lady who took great offense to what I said.

What did I say? Well, read on for the True Tale I call: I Speak American

I actually liked this lady and was doing her a favor on this day. She had a brown, 20-somehthing year old wing back chair she loved and refused to get rid of. It was a nice chair, so I can’t blame her. It stuck in the reclined position one day and she couldn’t get it back upright.

Neither could I when I came over to help her. The problem was fairly simple. An easy fix. I told her I was going to run over to Home Depot to get some new screws and washes.

“You mean Depot (she pronounced it De Pot, not Dee-Poh or Dep-oh).” She said. “Get it right.”

“No, it’s Depot. The ‘T’ is silent.” I respond. I should have let it go, but the “Get it right” irked me. One of my little issues.

“Not in American it isn’t. I speak American.” She said, very proudly.

I was befuddled. I was trying to help her, free I might add, and she went off correcting me on a word I was using properly. Moreover, she claimed to speak a language that doesn’t exist! “You mean English?”

“Are you stupid?” She responded.

I knew this was going to just keep going, so I figured I would just go. She was probably kidding with me any way, even if the stupid jab pissed me off. I told her I was going to get what I needed from Home Depot to fix her chair and I would just be a few minute.

She again corrected me and laid a ‘drop out’ on me. Yes, she accused me of being a drop out and that maybe I shouldn’t be doing this.

I snapped and told her three things. “First off It’s English. There is no such language on the planet as American. Secondly Depot is a French word. Not English and certainly not American. Thirdly, I have a Master’s Degree in Business and I’m a writer. You never even went to High School.” Yes, I went there and dropped that on her. And it’s true, she herself told me she never went to High School.

I didn’t fix the chair for her.

I found out she eventually had a handy man fix it for her, at a cost of almost $200.00.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018

This is a True Story - A Blog Statement

I have recently posted the full Blog Statement on Facebook and my State of the Master Blog (Read Here:

Few and far between have been my Blog posts. Recently I’ve gotten somewhat back on track, but not enough.

So, long story short – I am announcing a change to This Is A True Story. That is it will be going monthly for the remainder of 2018, starting September – The First Thursday of each month.

In December I will decide whether to keep it monthly, or try going back to the original weekly schedule.



Thursday, August 9, 2018

Exciting Blood on Your Hands

This True Story happened about two years ago at an Arizona Wrestling Federation event in Glendale, Arizona. This time I will not be changing the names of any involved.

The people directly involved in this incident were Wrestlementary Crew Member Dave, and wrestlers Alexander Hammerstone and Exciting Evan Daniels.

And it was a Bloody Good Time watching all this happen.

This is a True Story I Call Exciting Blood on Your Hands.

As is normal Dave and I arrived to the show early and took our seats. It’s general seating at these shows, and this time we grabbed front row seat right next to a pillar. It’s a solid, load bearing pillar that spans the entire height of the building.

Rock Solid.

Dave was being Dave, load, vocal, die hard and pissed off Alexander Hammerstone – who was working the show as a Heel. It didn’t help that Dave was wearing an Exciting Evan Daniels shirt that night, Hammerstone’s than arch-enemy, and opponent for the night.

It also didn’t help that Dave made sure to tell Hammerstone that Daniels was going to beat him as he walked by us to the back. Normally, I get in on it and get into it with some of the guys as well, all part of the show.

But I stayed out of it this time, and didn’t have Dave’s back. This was similar too, and not long after, Dave pissing off Randy Orton at Smackdown. Only difference, there was no barrier here and we weren’t thirty feet away.

Hammerstone, as he is known to do, bent over, hands on knees and got into Dave’s face. Looking angry, evil and more devil than god, he told him “Evan Daniels Blood will be on your hands.” It was quite chilling.

It was also quite prophetic.

Later that night, during their match Hammerstone dragged Daniels over to us, held him in front of Dave, and told Dave “This is on you.” He then proceeded to put Daniels head against the pillar . . .  and kick him right in the head.

Blood spilled. A section of the white pillar turned crimson.

Hammerstone than took some of Daniels blood, stood in front of us, and while yelling at Dave, smeared into onto his chest. Then threaten “You’re next.”

So far, Dave is still here.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

This is a True Story I call WTF!

This True Story is a follow up piece to The Greatest Escape ( It briefly tell some weird moments after the events of that True Tale.

This is a True Story I call WTF!

I found out after hanging up on her that she planned on moving to the mid-west to be with her father (I forget which state). Her parents had been divorced for years, and she lived here to be close to her mother.

Yes, she planned on moving even after we would have been married and expected me to move with her. Without ever mentioning one word to me. I found out from one of her friends, who also told me I was going to go because “She said so.” Hell no.

A couple of weeks after all this happened she left me a voicemail. She wanted me to meet her at the store where we bought our rings, so we could return them. She had specific instructions: I come alone and she was coming with her brother and cousins.

I had the rings and we had both paid for them. I’m not stupid though, no way was I showing up alone while she brought family. I never answered, and I never went at the time she wanted. I don’t even know if she ever went herself.

Losing out on the money I had put down on the rings was worth it to be rid of her.

Not so long later I found out that she did move back to the mid-west. I felt free.

A few years ago I learned she married some guy and had three kids. After telling me and many other people she couldn’t have kids.

Either way, I was free. Or so I thought.

One day a few weeks after she left I got a call from her mother. A nice lady, if kooky. We talked and she apologized about how Missy treated me and told me a lot of things. This is where I learned about a lot of the lies Missy had told me.

Lies that her mother knew about all the time and never once mentioned even when we were engaged. She would have let me go through with it. Anyway, this confirmed that I made the right move. I got away.

She told me that if I ever needed anything to let her know. She would be there. All the typical stuff one says. I kept in touch with her for a little while, until a true WTF moment happened.

I got a call from her, abruptly letting me know her son was leaving for the week and she wanted me to come over and stay with her. She told me, “I’ll make you forget my daughter.”


After that, I was finally free.

That final call explained everything.


Thursday, July 12, 2018

This is a true story I call NOT SO DIFFERENT

Today I experienced two extreme different parts of nature – beautiful and not so beautiful.

This is a true story I call NOT SO DIFFERENT.

About a month ago I borrowed a PS4 game from a friend, this morning I went over to her house to return it. She works from home so it was no big deal going over on a weekday morning. The only catch, she asked be to come into the house through the garage, not the front door and asked me not to go onto the front porch at all.

She never said why, and I just figured she was having some work done. When I parked, she must have seen me as her garage door went up. I went inside, returned the game and never got one word in – not even hello. She grabbed the game and threw it on the kitchen counter, grabbed my arm and had something she wanted to show me.

The reason she wanted me to avoid the porch and front door.

I looked out the front window by the door with her and there it was. There is a tree to the side of the door, at the edge of the window. On the lowest hanging branch, which came just underneath the door frame, sat a Hummingbird Nest. In the nest, three baby Hummingbirds kept popping their heads in and out, looking around.

She didn’t want me to disturb the nest by accident.

Over the course of about half-an-hour of watching, momma Hummingbird flew back and forth a few times, stopping to feed her young, then flying off to find more food.

It was quite a beautiful sight. I had seen young chicks feed before, but not Hummingbirds. The amazing part to me was how fast the mother moved to feed each of the three in turn, without harming any. All one could really see was a blur.

After the little while of watching I had to leave and left through the garage. While walking to my car, I thought I should have taking pictures or some video, but then shrugged it off.

As I came to my car a noise got my attention, I looked over my shoulder toward where I thought the weird noise was coming. I saw the Not So Beautiful sight. In the space between my friend’s house and her neighbor’s two birds were fighting. Chests pumped out, wings flapping, claws slashing. This was NOT two birds playing around.

I saw feathers fly and what looked like blood. The two were clawing, scratching, smacking and even biting each other.

I grabbed a handful of rocks from her yard and threw them over at the two birds to stop the fight. Startled, both birds stopped fighting and flew off. Once they were out of sight, I walked up to where they where and found out what they were fighting over. In the yard was a discarded granola bar wrapper with bits of granola still in it.

The two birds were fighting over food.

I threw the wrapper away as I went to my car. I thought about this – watching a mother feed her young and two others fight over food – not so different from us Humans after all.


Thursday, July 5, 2018


I’m sure you’ve heard of the Great Escape . . .

Once upon a time I had a girlfriend . . . She was kind, nice, hot and I fell in love . . . After two years we decided to get married.

Of course (thank any GOD) that never happened.

This is a true tale I call THE GREATEST ESCAPE . . .

I meet Missy when we worked in the same office. I pursued her for quite a while before we actually started dating. After a period of dating, we broke it off. After a while, we were right back on again – hotter than ever.

Things were very good for a while and we were in love (or at least lust). I know my head was messed up in this and that I was really not thinking straight – otherwise I would have noticed a number of red flags. Or, to be honest, I wouldn’t have just ignored the red flags.

Flags such as abusive ex-boyfriends, ovarian cancer that left her unable to have children and many other claims that I took as truth. The abusive tales of an ex upset me.

Things took a downward spiral after we decided, and announced, we were getting married. A number of people – co-workers who knew her longer than I did, members of her own family – warned me off of marrying her.

One Uncle literally told me: “Run now.”

Of course, I knew better. Right?

Things turn a wicked turn one evening, when she told my parents that if she ever caught me cheating, she would “Jam a steak knife threw his heart.” Yeah, that went over really well.

After that my parents wanted nothing to do with her and refused to have her in their home. She tried to play it off as a joke, but that is not really a joke. I tried mending bridges, but instead, she refused to apologize and turned the blame onto my mother who “Couldn’t take a joke.”

At this point I started having serious doubts about moving forward with this relationship – including thinking about all the stuff she told me. Especially that she wanted to have children after telling me she couldn’t.

I learned – from her father nonetheless – that what she told me was a scar from cancer surgery was actually from appendicitis. I never told him that she told me it was a cancer surgery scar.

The final straw in this, and where my Greatest Escape comes into play, came late on a Friday Night. I was split, part of me wanted to run – the other thought this could be salvaged – the decision would soon be made for me.

Missy called me, wanting to know where I was. I told her I was home, packing, we were supposed to be moving in together within days. Where was she? A party at a friend’s house two hours away, and demanded to know why I wasn’t there.

She didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t there, and wasn’t going to show up. She was pissed and issued me an ultimatum: Come to the Party, or forget everything.

Now, at this point why I was still split is beyond me. I found out she lied about the Cancer, had had two abortions and lied about her abusive exs. More than one family member of hers told me later that she accused a number of boyfriends of abuse when she couldn’t get her way.

Guess what she dropped next? Yep.

She started crying on the phone and pleaded – “Why do you do this to me?” She started accusing me of what she told me her ex’s had done. Then she said, “If you don’t want to get married just tell me.”

I hung up and never talked to her again.


Thursday, June 21, 2018

This is a State of This is A True Story blog I call: Truthfulness

True Story – I have not posted to This is A True Story in quite a while

True Story – I love to Write, but took a break.

True Story – I usually hate to write about myself, but yet I tell True Tales from my life on this blog.

True Story – Every story I have written is %100 percent true.

True Story – I am making changes in my life and refocusing on projects.

True Story – This is A True Story is part of my writing focus.

True Story – This is A True Story will make its Truthful Return on July 5th.

True Story – This is A True Story’s return true tale will chronicle the greatest escape of my life.

Truthfully Yours,
Ace Masters

Thursday, March 15, 2018


Okay, some may not believe me, because I have written about it a few times, but my aneurysm doesn’t bother me that much. Truthfully, I am aware that it happened, and take care to pay attention to any small warning signs of another rapture, but other than that it doesn’t affect my life.

This story proves how little I even think about it, and how sometimes I completely forget about it, in a This is a True Story I call

For them to do the surgery to repair the raptured blood vessel, they shaved the entire right side of my head – oddly not the left.

One day after being discharged, I had my entire head shaved, almost breaking down into tears.
People I know were split, some believed my hair would grow back, other said no way. I believed it would.

It did. In fact it grow back fuller and thicker than before, slowly, but it came back. In December, after almost a year, I actually needed a haircut! Never been so happy to get one. The first actual haircut of 2014.

After getting my hair cut and getting into my car, I checked out the cut in the mirror and ran my hand through my hair. When I hit a long grove in my skull with my fingers, I started too freaked out.

Seriously, I felt a long grove in my skull. I grabbed my phone to make a call . . .

Then it dawned on me! That was where they cut open my skull for the surgery. I completely forget about it!

Man, was I relieved, and felt silly.

Great to be alive though, and make mistakes like that.

 - Ace Masters


I once worked for a Mental Health company as billing manager, until there were massive cut backs due to idiotic miss-management. My office was closed and I was given three choices: unemployment, custodian at a half-way house, or work at a time-out center for teens and kids.

I choose the time-out center.

One of my new co-workers at the center rubbed me the wrong way. Too stuffed up, elitists, and know-it-all. Always bragging about his family and training to be a Firefighter. Whoopee!

For this job I worked Sunday – Wednesday, from 12P.M. to 10P.M. It really cramped my life in a number of ways.

One day, I got a call asking me to come into work to cover a shift, at 11:45AM. Fifteen minutes before the shift started. I wanted the overtime, so I went in. That is when I learned the story I call

I don’t even remember this guy’s name, but I remember him and that I couldn’t stand his ass. I didn’t work the same shift as him fortunately, but at times did have to work with him. It was hard being around a jackass like this.

The center dealt mostly with children and the occasional teens. It was a place where parents could bring their children for a 24-hour time out. Many of these children were disabled. It was our job to watch them and just take care of them for our shifts.

I went in and found out they wanted me to cover ‘Mr. Training to be a Firefighter’s’ shift. And asked if I would cover a few more nights until they hired someone new. This is when I found out he was fired that morning . . .

It was later in the evening when I found out why he was fired . . . and why he lost any chance at being a Firefighter.

We were allowed to use the computers, and even surf the net to some degree. Many things were blocked and we all had unique logins. This day there was one computer locked down and off limits.

One of my closet friends was one of the main IT guys for the company and come into the center around 6pm that day. He logged onto the locked computer and started to work. He told me what happened.

That morning, the center’s Director called IT because the printer wasn’t working. My friend came in, fixed the printer, and it started to print the last print job sent . . . A series of Hard Core porn images!

Mr. Holier-Than-Thou Training to be a Fireman got caught. He somehow was watching Porn and printed it out on the work computer, on his overnight shift, with kids in the building.

I couldn’t help but laugh. I loved it. It was the best thing that could happen to this guy.

Unfortunately for him, when his Father-in-Law, the assistant Fire Chief, found out, he was dropped from training.

His Wife – pregnant at the time – didn’t take kindly to it either.

 - Ace Masters

Thursday, March 8, 2018


I have never really prided myself on being the ‘nice’ guy. Respectful, sure. Cool, yes.

Yet, there was a time in my life in which I was a jackass, and a borderline bully. I learned a very hard lesson, very quickly and it made an impact on me immediately.

This is a True Story I call, LESSON BY PUNCH.

This took place in England, when my dad was still in the US Air Force and I was going to school on the base. We lived off base in the closet town on ‘Base Housing.’ This happened on a cold, winter morning while a bunch of us military brats were waiting for the school buses.

My best friend at the time lived across the street, with his parents and two older brothers.

I was eleven at the time and his one brother was 16 or 17. A big boy too, even at his age he was pushed near three hundred pounds. A lot of people teased him about it, even me.

This one morning I took it way too far – “Fatty,” “Fat Boy” and I’m sure other degrading comments about his size. I don’t remember everything I said, but I know I crossed a line and I learned it the hard way when he Punched Me in the face.

He Punched Me as the bus rolled up to a stop. He was pissed, walked onto the bus and sat by himself. I got on and sat well away from him. My nose was bleeding fairly badly, and at first I thought he broke it. Of course the bus driver didn’t give a damn.

Under any other circumstances I would have be pissed, and yeah probably have started a fight. I wasn’t though, I was more embarrassed at this point and was trying to hide the bloody nose from fellow students on the bus.

Once we were at the base, he went to the High School and I went to the Middle School across the street. I went straight to the nurse to get checked out. I was bleeding, but nothing broken. She asked what happened – and I’m sure she knew someone hit me – but I wouldn’t tell her.

Over the course of the day my nose stopped bleeding, felt better and I thought a lot. I never expected him to hit me, he never had before. I thought a lot about why he did, and finally came to realize who was at fault.

We took separate busses home, and he was just getting off his bus when mine pulled up. I rushed off my bus and went after him, he didn’t want to know me, but I got him to talk to me for a moment, away from the gaze of both our parents.

I apologized to him. I said the words, “I’m sorry.” And told him why, from the heart. He apologized for hitting me, and let me know how much I had hurt him.

I made amends right there. For the next few years both are fathers were stationed there, we were friends. I never teased him again.

I rarely made fun of someone because of their weight or looks after that. Or really bullied anyone. I learned my lesson on that day.

Guess what? I deserved that punch in the face.

 - Ace Masters

Bully Frog

I have always loved animals. Always. Especially Rabbits, Dog and Lizards.

Yep Lizards and snakes. I love snakes. Was never allowed to have one as a pet when I was a kid, and don’t have one now. Maybe one day.

I did however has lots of little friends when I was a kid: lizards, yard snakes and frogs. Especially frogs.
This True Tail takes place in the early 1980’s when I was about 7 or 8 years old. My dad was stationed at Canon Air Force Base in New Mexico, and we lived on the base. Behind our house was a big open field with lots of trees and bushes. Off to the west of the house was a tennis court and basketball court. Just behind them was a small ravine.

The area around the ravine had an ecosystem all its own. Beautiful tall trees, lush bushes, a ton of mud. In the bushes and ton of mud where a ton more of FROGS. All types of frogs lived there. From tiny little tree frogs, to huge Bull Frogs.

This tale is about one particular Bull Frog I name Bully!

Bully Frog

I spent a lot of time among those bushes and trees, playing, feed, capturing the frogs. One frog in particular always had my interest, and one day I finally caught the big slippery bastard. I just wasn’t able to keep him.

That is, Mom wouldn’t let me keep him when she found out I had him in the house.

When I finally caught him, I put him into a bucket and loaded the bucket down with bugs for him to eat. I took him home, snuck him into the house and hid him in my room. I took a long storage container from the garage and turned it into a habitat.

I filled it with some mud, leaves, dead bugs and a little tray of water. I did this one day while my parents were visiting the neighbors next door. I hid him under my bed – smart move! He was there for about three or four days. I feed him more bugs each day and took him out at night and let him hop around – while my parents slept.

Then I came home from school and found the container from under my bed sitting on the kitchen table. Mom found Bully! I was in trouble! First thing I did was check the container and make sure he was okay. He was.

Then I faced the music. Mom wasn’t upset over Bully. She was more upset that I brought dirt, mud and bugs into the house, and the mess underneath my bed.

I argued to keep Bully that I would take care of him, play with him. She argued that keeping him wasn’t right, he might have a family (typical mom arguments, right?). I was allowed to keep him until the weekend then I would have to let him go.

It came to fast for my 7 or 8 year old self. I knew mom was right, but still . . .

I put him on the step to the front door, and sat down with him and feed him. He actually ate out of my hand believe it or not. Eventually he hopped around exploring our small enclosed front patio. After a few minutes I picked him up, to take him back to the ravine, but not before I did something.

I put a stripe down his back with a red marker. I could see it clearly when I finished. He didn’t like it though and squirmed out of my hand and jumped to the ground. He hopped off toward the ravine. I followed him all the way until he hopped into the base of a bush and out of sight.

I put some food at the area where I last saw him, waited for a few minutes, then went off to play with some friends at the basketball court.

I don’t know how long I was there, but when I heard mom calling I ran home. I checked on the way back, and the food was gone. I was sad that I couldn’t keep him, but glad that I knew where he would be.

Here’s the part that you won’t believe, but it’s true. A few days later I was leaving the house and there was a big frog in the front, enclosed patio just sitting there, with a red stripe on its back! It was Bully! I quickly picked up my little friend and feed him. I also showed my mom that he came back.

I didn’t keep him. I let him go.

Every so often, Bully would show up on the front porch looking for food, and I gladly feed and loved my little buddy. Today, as an adult thinking back I realized he probably came looking for food, and knew where to find it. I probably knew that somewhere deep inside as a kid too, but I thought that he also came to see me.

 - Ace Masters

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Don’t you hate telemarketing calls?

Me too.

Well, read on to see how my mom and I handled one the other day in this True Story I call PLAYING THE MARKETEER.

The other day my mom and I were having lunch when the home phone rang, with a number coming out of Colorado. The answering machine picked up, but whoever called hung up. We ignored it.

Almost immediately my cell phone rang, it was the same number. I answered, the person on the other side asked for William . . . This was not good, William was my father, who died in 2009. I asked who this was, then my mom pounced.

“If you can find him, please let me know,” She said. Yep, she went there.

There was dead silence on the other end. I thought the guy hung up, he didn’t. “Is he missing?” he asked.

My mom repeated herself. This guy seemed in shocked and asked again, “Is he missing?”

I asked him how he got this number. He didn’t answer for a few seconds, then said, “Give me a minute. I just found out something disturbing.”

“What?” My mom asked.

“William is missing?” He said/asked again.

“How did you get this number?” I asked again.

This is where he slipped. “It’s on the paper they give us.”

“This was never my dad’s number,” I repeated, “how did you get this number.”

“It’s on the list of numbers they give us to call,” he said. He was really rattled by what my mom said, more or less admitting what he was.

“Well, like I said, if you can find him, tell him to get in contact with me.” My mom said.

“I’m sorry . . .” The guy muttered than hung up.

Yeah, we played the telemarketer, and this guy seemed really rattled by my mom. No one said my dad was missing, but he took my mom’s comment to mean he was, and for some reason that bothered him.

In case you’re wondering, no, this guy couldn’t have been a friend or family member of my dad. If he was he would never have called him William. My dad only ever went by Bill, and hated to be called William.

 - Ace Masters

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Paper and Fire

Some people are just stupid.

Something I really hate is when people give out my cell number and tell other people I will do things, without asking me or telling me anything.

I also don’t like it when people just expect me to drop what I am doing and come running. People may not like this, but I’m not “Mister Helpful.”

This is one of those time in a True Story I call Paper and Fire.

Over Christmas I got an odd call from an elderly lady – a nutcase of a woman I really don’t like. I don’t know how she got my number, but for some reason she is convinced then when she needs me, I will come running. She has told me so.

This is an ongoing thing.

Anyway, she called me around 5:00 P.M. telling me she needed me to come over and burn some papers for her. Yep, burn paper. She didn’t give a damn that I had plans.

She had bank statements and other sensitive papers she needed me to “burn in a bucket.” Her exact words. I told her to shred the papers, it would be faster and safer. She claimed she didn’t know how to use the shredder, her late husband use to do it.

It would only take a few minutes, she told me.

Yep, this woman expected me to drop everything I had planned to run over to her house and burn paperwork. Never mind that that is illegal in Arizona!

Some people are just nuts.

No, I didn’t go over.

 - Ace Masters

Hey, Watch That Hand

There is a lot of talk going on about sexual harassment nowadays (long overdue). Unfortunately it happens, and it goes both ways. Yes, more women are harassed by men, no doubt. But men do get harassed by women.

It’s not the fact that people don’t believe men when it happens. It’s the fact that most people don’t believe men can be sexually harassed because, well, we are Men.

This is a True Story I call HEY, WATCH THAT HAND.

At one time I worked with Senior Citizens for years and had my own clientele. I did handyman work, odd jobs, errands and took them shopping and to appointments.

At one time I had a particular female client that was a little too attached to me. Before I go any further here, I have to mention this: She did NOT have Dementia or Alzheimer’s. I know this because I took her to her doctor regularly.

How much is too attached? I was once in her bedroom, flipping her mattress when she said this: “If I was twenty years younger, I’d jump your bones.” Yep. She was pushing eighty at the time and was a horny old lady.

It became somewhat of a joke, as she said it quite often.

It stopped being a joke one day when I was taking her home from a doctors’ visit. When we got in the car, she repeated it again. Mere moments later, when I pulled onto her drive way . . .

She reached over and tried to shove her hand down my pants! True! She failed and tried to get my belt buckle undone!

It was very uncomfortable, very awkward and very much across the line. I shut it down, help her out of the car and got her in her house. Then I got the hell out of there.

NO, I didn’t like it. I really didn’t know how I was feeling at the time, other then I wanted to get home and forget it.

 - Ace Masters


Ever run into somebody who thinks you are someone else?

Ever had somebody ask you if you are so-and-so?

Yeah, that is sort of what happen in this true tale. Sort. If only . . .

This is a True Tale I call – HEY – WHAT THE HELL??

This happened in the late ‘90’s, so I was about 25 or so. It happened at what was once the great Metro Center Mall in Phoenix.

I was leaving the mall by the second floor entrance/exit, next to the Skate Board Rink they had just put in.

As I was going out the doors, I heard someone calling. I had no idea who they were calling. It wasn’t my name.

Then someone jumped me from behind. I found myself in a headlock with someone giving me a ‘noogie,’ rubbing their fist back and forth across my skull as fast and hard as they could.

I was pissed. I stood up, threw this fucker off right into the side wall outside the mall entrance.

He looked stunned and scared.

The only thing that stopped me from beating the shit out of this guy was that I saw two Cops eating lunch on a bench outside the mall.

He then muttered something about me NOT being his friend.

I remember vividly staring at him, not saying a word. The image in my mind was me putting him face first through the glass door.

He eventually (after a few seconds) ran back into the mall, where two of his friends were waiting. They never came out, probably had no idea what was going on.

I was so pissed at that moment that part of me wanted to follow this guy – who looked about 20 at the most – but I didn’t.

Though I think he thought I was. He and his friends were at the top of the escalator when I walked back in. He quickly hightailed it down the escalator.

All I went back in for was to get a coke from the vending machine.

 - Ace Masters


Sometimes you just have to see things to believe it. Even then it can be hard.

I know this happened. I witnessed it firsthand. I still find it hard to believe. I don’t find the consequences afterward hard to believe though.


I started at my new High School in the middle of the school year on the first day of the second semester. This actually happened on the morning of my first day when one of the counselors was showing me around the school, starting with my locker.

Students were pouring into the lobby getting ready for school to start, and I was meeting the kids with lockers around mine when we all heard loud shouting. Two guys were in a full blown fist fight, really laying into each other. The female counselor showing me around never made a move. In fact the Vice Principal was in the lobby, then walked away when he saw the fight.

After a minute or two the Principal came barreling out his office and tried to break up the fight, calling for help. The bigger of the two guys fighting – who I learned later was a star footballer and senior – turned to the principal and slugged him right in the face, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The fight didn’t stop until the football couch himself (also a teacher at the school) showed up.

This was a nasty fight and the principal ended up with a broken nose and black eye. As I wrote, the bigger of the two students was a star footballer player, the other was just a student, not into any sports.

The aftermath and consequence of this? The student who hit the principal (on purpose) never received any punishments. He played out the football season, graduated and went to college on a scholarship.

The other (non-sport) student, was expelled.

Unbelievable, but believable.

Not quite fair though.

 - Ace Masters

Thursday, January 4, 2018

The First This is a True Story of 2018: When is a Gift Not a Gift – Stupid

Welcome to 2018! Welcome Back to This Is A True Story.

The first True Story blog of this fine New Year.

For this first post of 2018 I figured I would write something that took place over this Holiday Season.

Yep, this is a current True Tale from my life.

Let me ask you this: Have you ever gotten a gift you really didn’t what? I’m sure you have, and politely accepted it.

This is one of those times, in a True Story I call: When is a Gift Not a Gift – Stupid

Have you ever had someone invade your life? Someone you don’t really like having around, but who just won’t leave you alone? Well, I do.

There is an elderly lady, pushing 90, who doesn’t get the hint that I HATE her (yes, HATE). There are numerous reason for this, but let’s just say she is the worst and stupidest person I have ever met. I do errands and shopping for her on occasion, but not by my own choice. Let’s just leave it at that.

The week before Christmas I did shopping for her, from the only grocery story she will shop at: Safeway. (As a side note, I once bought something from Wal-Mart for her that Safeway didn’t have in stock. She threw it out immediately and cussed me out. Nice Lady)

She made a point of telling me how much she loved me, and that she had a great gift for me when I would get back from shopping. She made a point of really hyping up the gift and told me, ‘No one cares for you like I do, and no one has given you a gift like this.’

When I returned from doing the shopping she gave me the gift. A gift no one has ever given me: 2, $50 gift cards to Safeway.

Yep, two gift cards to Safeway: A Place I have never shopped for myself in my entire life.

Turns out, a neighbor had taken her to Safeway the day before to get the gift cards, but she couldn’t be bothered to do her shopping while there? Why? Because she had to have me do it. In her mind, somehow she is helping me out (she’s told me this numerous times).

I didn’t want them, or anything from here, but I politely took them.

On New Year’s Day I was driving by a Safeway and decided to stop in. I figured I might as well use them. So, I grabbed some ribs, steaks and BBQ chicken from the Deli, went to the cashier and was never so embarrassed in my life.

This has never happened to me.

Everything rung up to about $95. I swiped the first card – twice. Nothing. Blank.

I swiped the second card – four times. Nothing. Blank.

The cards were blank, never activated. I only had $40.00 in my wallet, and I wasn’t going to use my card. The only reason I was even there was the gift cards. The cashier rolled her eyes, and people in the packed line were getting pissy.

I didn’t get any of the stuff. This was embarrassing. I have never not had the money to buy anything.

I went to Customer Service, they checked: Cards blank; never activated. They also gave me a receipt showing the cards were blank.

My next stop, this bitch’s house.

I told her what happened. Her response (and I quote), “Are you stupid? You’re supposed to activate the cards first.”

Yep, according to her I was supposed to activate the cards.

When I explained to her she was supposed to do that, and pay for the amount on the card, she disagreed, telling me the cards were pre-paid.

Turns out she never paid for the card, she just grabbed them and left!

Yep, true story: She stole the Gift Cards!

Yeah, and I’m stupid.

 - Ace Masters