Thursday, January 4, 2018

The First This is a True Story of 2018: When is a Gift Not a Gift – Stupid

Welcome to 2018! Welcome Back to This Is A True Story.

The first True Story blog of this fine New Year.

For this first post of 2018 I figured I would write something that took place over this Holiday Season.

Yep, this is a current True Tale from my life.

Let me ask you this: Have you ever gotten a gift you really didn’t what? I’m sure you have, and politely accepted it.

This is one of those times, in a True Story I call: When is a Gift Not a Gift – Stupid

Have you ever had someone invade your life? Someone you don’t really like having around, but who just won’t leave you alone? Well, I do.

There is an elderly lady, pushing 90, who doesn’t get the hint that I HATE her (yes, HATE). There are numerous reason for this, but let’s just say she is the worst and stupidest person I have ever met. I do errands and shopping for her on occasion, but not by my own choice. Let’s just leave it at that.

The week before Christmas I did shopping for her, from the only grocery story she will shop at: Safeway. (As a side note, I once bought something from Wal-Mart for her that Safeway didn’t have in stock. She threw it out immediately and cussed me out. Nice Lady)

She made a point of telling me how much she loved me, and that she had a great gift for me when I would get back from shopping. She made a point of really hyping up the gift and told me, ‘No one cares for you like I do, and no one has given you a gift like this.’

When I returned from doing the shopping she gave me the gift. A gift no one has ever given me: 2, $50 gift cards to Safeway.

Yep, two gift cards to Safeway: A Place I have never shopped for myself in my entire life.

Turns out, a neighbor had taken her to Safeway the day before to get the gift cards, but she couldn’t be bothered to do her shopping while there? Why? Because she had to have me do it. In her mind, somehow she is helping me out (she’s told me this numerous times).

I didn’t want them, or anything from here, but I politely took them.

On New Year’s Day I was driving by a Safeway and decided to stop in. I figured I might as well use them. So, I grabbed some ribs, steaks and BBQ chicken from the Deli, went to the cashier and was never so embarrassed in my life.

This has never happened to me.

Everything rung up to about $95. I swiped the first card – twice. Nothing. Blank.

I swiped the second card – four times. Nothing. Blank.

The cards were blank, never activated. I only had $40.00 in my wallet, and I wasn’t going to use my card. The only reason I was even there was the gift cards. The cashier rolled her eyes, and people in the packed line were getting pissy.

I didn’t get any of the stuff. This was embarrassing. I have never not had the money to buy anything.

I went to Customer Service, they checked: Cards blank; never activated. They also gave me a receipt showing the cards were blank.

My next stop, this bitch’s house.

I told her what happened. Her response (and I quote), “Are you stupid? You’re supposed to activate the cards first.”

Yep, according to her I was supposed to activate the cards.

When I explained to her she was supposed to do that, and pay for the amount on the card, she disagreed, telling me the cards were pre-paid.

Turns out she never paid for the card, she just grabbed them and left!

Yep, true story: She stole the Gift Cards!

Yeah, and I’m stupid.

 - Ace Masters

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