Thursday, March 15, 2018


I once worked for a Mental Health company as billing manager, until there were massive cut backs due to idiotic miss-management. My office was closed and I was given three choices: unemployment, custodian at a half-way house, or work at a time-out center for teens and kids.

I choose the time-out center.

One of my new co-workers at the center rubbed me the wrong way. Too stuffed up, elitists, and know-it-all. Always bragging about his family and training to be a Firefighter. Whoopee!

For this job I worked Sunday – Wednesday, from 12P.M. to 10P.M. It really cramped my life in a number of ways.

One day, I got a call asking me to come into work to cover a shift, at 11:45AM. Fifteen minutes before the shift started. I wanted the overtime, so I went in. That is when I learned the story I call

I don’t even remember this guy’s name, but I remember him and that I couldn’t stand his ass. I didn’t work the same shift as him fortunately, but at times did have to work with him. It was hard being around a jackass like this.

The center dealt mostly with children and the occasional teens. It was a place where parents could bring their children for a 24-hour time out. Many of these children were disabled. It was our job to watch them and just take care of them for our shifts.

I went in and found out they wanted me to cover ‘Mr. Training to be a Firefighter’s’ shift. And asked if I would cover a few more nights until they hired someone new. This is when I found out he was fired that morning . . .

It was later in the evening when I found out why he was fired . . . and why he lost any chance at being a Firefighter.

We were allowed to use the computers, and even surf the net to some degree. Many things were blocked and we all had unique logins. This day there was one computer locked down and off limits.

One of my closet friends was one of the main IT guys for the company and come into the center around 6pm that day. He logged onto the locked computer and started to work. He told me what happened.

That morning, the center’s Director called IT because the printer wasn’t working. My friend came in, fixed the printer, and it started to print the last print job sent . . . A series of Hard Core porn images!

Mr. Holier-Than-Thou Training to be a Fireman got caught. He somehow was watching Porn and printed it out on the work computer, on his overnight shift, with kids in the building.

I couldn’t help but laugh. I loved it. It was the best thing that could happen to this guy.

Unfortunately for him, when his Father-in-Law, the assistant Fire Chief, found out, he was dropped from training.

His Wife – pregnant at the time – didn’t take kindly to it either.

 - Ace Masters

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