Thursday, July 12, 2018

This is a true story I call NOT SO DIFFERENT

Today I experienced two extreme different parts of nature – beautiful and not so beautiful.

This is a true story I call NOT SO DIFFERENT.

About a month ago I borrowed a PS4 game from a friend, this morning I went over to her house to return it. She works from home so it was no big deal going over on a weekday morning. The only catch, she asked be to come into the house through the garage, not the front door and asked me not to go onto the front porch at all.

She never said why, and I just figured she was having some work done. When I parked, she must have seen me as her garage door went up. I went inside, returned the game and never got one word in – not even hello. She grabbed the game and threw it on the kitchen counter, grabbed my arm and had something she wanted to show me.

The reason she wanted me to avoid the porch and front door.

I looked out the front window by the door with her and there it was. There is a tree to the side of the door, at the edge of the window. On the lowest hanging branch, which came just underneath the door frame, sat a Hummingbird Nest. In the nest, three baby Hummingbirds kept popping their heads in and out, looking around.

She didn’t want me to disturb the nest by accident.

Over the course of about half-an-hour of watching, momma Hummingbird flew back and forth a few times, stopping to feed her young, then flying off to find more food.

It was quite a beautiful sight. I had seen young chicks feed before, but not Hummingbirds. The amazing part to me was how fast the mother moved to feed each of the three in turn, without harming any. All one could really see was a blur.

After the little while of watching I had to leave and left through the garage. While walking to my car, I thought I should have taking pictures or some video, but then shrugged it off.

As I came to my car a noise got my attention, I looked over my shoulder toward where I thought the weird noise was coming. I saw the Not So Beautiful sight. In the space between my friend’s house and her neighbor’s two birds were fighting. Chests pumped out, wings flapping, claws slashing. This was NOT two birds playing around.

I saw feathers fly and what looked like blood. The two were clawing, scratching, smacking and even biting each other.

I grabbed a handful of rocks from her yard and threw them over at the two birds to stop the fight. Startled, both birds stopped fighting and flew off. Once they were out of sight, I walked up to where they where and found out what they were fighting over. In the yard was a discarded granola bar wrapper with bits of granola still in it.

The two birds were fighting over food.

I threw the wrapper away as I went to my car. I thought about this – watching a mother feed her young and two others fight over food – not so different from us Humans after all.


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