Thursday, February 1, 2018

Paper and Fire

Some people are just stupid.

Something I really hate is when people give out my cell number and tell other people I will do things, without asking me or telling me anything.

I also don’t like it when people just expect me to drop what I am doing and come running. People may not like this, but I’m not “Mister Helpful.”

This is one of those time in a True Story I call Paper and Fire.

Over Christmas I got an odd call from an elderly lady – a nutcase of a woman I really don’t like. I don’t know how she got my number, but for some reason she is convinced then when she needs me, I will come running. She has told me so.

This is an ongoing thing.

Anyway, she called me around 5:00 P.M. telling me she needed me to come over and burn some papers for her. Yep, burn paper. She didn’t give a damn that I had plans.

She had bank statements and other sensitive papers she needed me to “burn in a bucket.” Her exact words. I told her to shred the papers, it would be faster and safer. She claimed she didn’t know how to use the shredder, her late husband use to do it.

It would only take a few minutes, she told me.

Yep, this woman expected me to drop everything I had planned to run over to her house and burn paperwork. Never mind that that is illegal in Arizona!

Some people are just nuts.

No, I didn’t go over.

 - Ace Masters

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