Thursday, February 1, 2018

Hey, Watch That Hand

There is a lot of talk going on about sexual harassment nowadays (long overdue). Unfortunately it happens, and it goes both ways. Yes, more women are harassed by men, no doubt. But men do get harassed by women.

It’s not the fact that people don’t believe men when it happens. It’s the fact that most people don’t believe men can be sexually harassed because, well, we are Men.

This is a True Story I call HEY, WATCH THAT HAND.

At one time I worked with Senior Citizens for years and had my own clientele. I did handyman work, odd jobs, errands and took them shopping and to appointments.

At one time I had a particular female client that was a little too attached to me. Before I go any further here, I have to mention this: She did NOT have Dementia or Alzheimer’s. I know this because I took her to her doctor regularly.

How much is too attached? I was once in her bedroom, flipping her mattress when she said this: “If I was twenty years younger, I’d jump your bones.” Yep. She was pushing eighty at the time and was a horny old lady.

It became somewhat of a joke, as she said it quite often.

It stopped being a joke one day when I was taking her home from a doctors’ visit. When we got in the car, she repeated it again. Mere moments later, when I pulled onto her drive way . . .

She reached over and tried to shove her hand down my pants! True! She failed and tried to get my belt buckle undone!

It was very uncomfortable, very awkward and very much across the line. I shut it down, help her out of the car and got her in her house. Then I got the hell out of there.

NO, I didn’t like it. I really didn’t know how I was feeling at the time, other then I wanted to get home and forget it.

 - Ace Masters

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