Thursday, July 5, 2018


I’m sure you’ve heard of the Great Escape . . .

Once upon a time I had a girlfriend . . . She was kind, nice, hot and I fell in love . . . After two years we decided to get married.

Of course (thank any GOD) that never happened.

This is a true tale I call THE GREATEST ESCAPE . . .

I meet Missy when we worked in the same office. I pursued her for quite a while before we actually started dating. After a period of dating, we broke it off. After a while, we were right back on again – hotter than ever.

Things were very good for a while and we were in love (or at least lust). I know my head was messed up in this and that I was really not thinking straight – otherwise I would have noticed a number of red flags. Or, to be honest, I wouldn’t have just ignored the red flags.

Flags such as abusive ex-boyfriends, ovarian cancer that left her unable to have children and many other claims that I took as truth. The abusive tales of an ex upset me.

Things took a downward spiral after we decided, and announced, we were getting married. A number of people – co-workers who knew her longer than I did, members of her own family – warned me off of marrying her.

One Uncle literally told me: “Run now.”

Of course, I knew better. Right?

Things turn a wicked turn one evening, when she told my parents that if she ever caught me cheating, she would “Jam a steak knife threw his heart.” Yeah, that went over really well.

After that my parents wanted nothing to do with her and refused to have her in their home. She tried to play it off as a joke, but that is not really a joke. I tried mending bridges, but instead, she refused to apologize and turned the blame onto my mother who “Couldn’t take a joke.”

At this point I started having serious doubts about moving forward with this relationship – including thinking about all the stuff she told me. Especially that she wanted to have children after telling me she couldn’t.

I learned – from her father nonetheless – that what she told me was a scar from cancer surgery was actually from appendicitis. I never told him that she told me it was a cancer surgery scar.

The final straw in this, and where my Greatest Escape comes into play, came late on a Friday Night. I was split, part of me wanted to run – the other thought this could be salvaged – the decision would soon be made for me.

Missy called me, wanting to know where I was. I told her I was home, packing, we were supposed to be moving in together within days. Where was she? A party at a friend’s house two hours away, and demanded to know why I wasn’t there.

She didn’t like the fact that I wasn’t there, and wasn’t going to show up. She was pissed and issued me an ultimatum: Come to the Party, or forget everything.

Now, at this point why I was still split is beyond me. I found out she lied about the Cancer, had had two abortions and lied about her abusive exs. More than one family member of hers told me later that she accused a number of boyfriends of abuse when she couldn’t get her way.

Guess what she dropped next? Yep.

She started crying on the phone and pleaded – “Why do you do this to me?” She started accusing me of what she told me her ex’s had done. Then she said, “If you don’t want to get married just tell me.”

I hung up and never talked to her again.


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