Thursday, March 15, 2018


Okay, some may not believe me, because I have written about it a few times, but my aneurysm doesn’t bother me that much. Truthfully, I am aware that it happened, and take care to pay attention to any small warning signs of another rapture, but other than that it doesn’t affect my life.

This story proves how little I even think about it, and how sometimes I completely forget about it, in a This is a True Story I call

For them to do the surgery to repair the raptured blood vessel, they shaved the entire right side of my head – oddly not the left.

One day after being discharged, I had my entire head shaved, almost breaking down into tears.
People I know were split, some believed my hair would grow back, other said no way. I believed it would.

It did. In fact it grow back fuller and thicker than before, slowly, but it came back. In December, after almost a year, I actually needed a haircut! Never been so happy to get one. The first actual haircut of 2014.

After getting my hair cut and getting into my car, I checked out the cut in the mirror and ran my hand through my hair. When I hit a long grove in my skull with my fingers, I started too freaked out.

Seriously, I felt a long grove in my skull. I grabbed my phone to make a call . . .

Then it dawned on me! That was where they cut open my skull for the surgery. I completely forget about it!

Man, was I relieved, and felt silly.

Great to be alive though, and make mistakes like that.

 - Ace Masters

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