Wednesday, March 25, 2015

This Is Awkward

In everyone’s life there are moments one will never forget, whose every detail is burned into one’s memory. Those are what I write about here. Some are good, some are bad, and some are just weird and awkward.

Starting in High School and going into my mid-twenties, my best friend, Ken, and I would get together every Saturday morning and spend the entire day around Metro Phoenix. This particular day we were at Arrowhead Towne center, specifically in a normal hang out, Spencer’s Gifts (a store I haven’t been in for a number of years).

I was looking at the KISS items when this young, teenage looking girl came up to me.

She was tiny, cute with bleached white hair. There was a tall but thin, waifish guy with her. What followed is a This is a True story I call

“Can I feel your chest?” she asked, flooring me with that question.

Before I could answer, her hand was on my chest, squeezing my right pec muscle. I was/am in excellent shape.

As she squeezed my pec, she turned to the guy, said, “This is what a chest is supposed to be like.”

“How old are you?” I asked, no idea what the fuck was going on.


I quickly excused myself from this situation and left Spencer’s. My friend followed a few minutes later. I wanted to get out of there before someone accused me of something. I didn’t know if her parents or someone was around. And I didn’t want someone thinking I was being inappropriate with an underage girl.

I had no idea what that was about, but have never forgot it.

Ace Masters.

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