Thursday, January 7, 2016

My The Coke Be With You

One more Star Wars related post for this first week of the New Year from me, and this one is a True Story.

Are you one of the millions of people who waited in the long lines for tickets to see Star Wars: The Phantom Menace? It was, after all, the first Star Wars film in sixteen year. I saw it opening day, with my dad (a fellow huge Star Wars fan). In fact until his death in 2010, I saw all the films with my dad.

I don’t feel that just because someone waits in a line for hours, or days, dresses up as characters from the film, makes them more of a fan then those who don’t. I never waited in line to see any of the film, and I didn’t for The Phantom Menace.

My dad and I bought are tickets weeks in advance. :-D

We arrived at the Harkins Theaters about a half-hour early, enough time to get drinks, popcorn and good seats. It was an early morning Friday showing, either nine or ten. When we arrived, there was a long line for the box office, people waiting to buy their tickets.

Yeah, I admit, the first thought going through my head was, “losers.”

As we walked up to the theater, people were getting pissed, many upsets that we, and others, were getting in before them because they had waited so long in line. I just decided to go into jackass mode.

I pulled out our tickets, held them up and started mocking the people in line. I let everyone in line who was pissed off know we bought advanced tickets. “We get to see the film, and you get to wait!” I remember shouting.

People weren’t happy about it.

In fact, someone from behind me beaned me with a full can of coke. At first I was pissed, until I saw the can of coke on the ground. It hadn’t burst. I picked it up, held it out and popped it. It fizzed up of course, but there was still a good amount of soda left.

Someone, probably the thrower, yelled, “ASSHOLE,” from the crowd.

I just held up the soda, tickets, said, “Thank you.”

Yeah, maybe I was being an asshole, but I had tickets to the movie, a free coke and saw the movie why they were still waiting in line.

Ass Hole, err, Ace Masters.

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