Wednesday, March 11, 2015

This is a True Story . . . NO KISSING

Alright, here is another true story as I get caught up on my blog posts that I am behind on!

This story is a little more personal than many I have written, and I may not cover this subject again.

They say men really don’t understand women. That may be true, but not for the reasons many may suspect. Personally, it is because some woman are just off their rocker.

I am not a womanizer, or playboy. I don’t pick up on every woman I meet and general don’t do one-night-stands. That doesn’t mean I haven’t sowed a few wild oats in my day, even if some people still think I am pure ( ha ha ha).

When I was managing a Self-Storage facility, and lived on site, I had a brief fling with a girl who worked the used bookstore next door. I cut the fling short one night, because I was totally confused when she wanted intimacy, but didn’t at the same time.

This is a True Story I call

I used to go into the used book store next to the Facility to trade and sell books and look for gaps in my collection. I took a shot and asked out the one clerk I liked. We had dinner at my apartment that night, right after her store closed.

I closed shop at 5, and cooked dinner. She closed the store at 8 and came over. Dinner, movie, good conversation and all seemed well. We had dinner a few times at my place . . . when things elevated. She made the first move and want to ‘get some.’ (Her words.)

She led me to the bedroom. I went to kiss her. She stopped me. She wanted sex, but said I couldn’t kiss her. Kissing would make it to intimate.

That threw me for a loop. I still find it confusing to this day. Intercourse is okay, but kissing isn’t? Kissing makes it to intimate? How is sex not intimate? What good is sex if you can’t kiss?

I sorts lost the mood at that point and wasn’t interested. She wanted sex, but not intimacy. She ended up leaving in a bit of a huff.

I know many guys would have still went for it, but I am not many guys.

Still how is Kissing more intimate than Sex?


Ace Masters

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