Sunday, March 8, 2015

I’ve got your back . . . wink, wink.

I've gotten behind on this blog, starting today I will post daily thru Thursday, the day of my next weekly scheduled piece.*

For those who don’t know, I am a huge wrestling fan. In fact, last year I had tickets to the WWE show at Us Airways in downtown Phoenix on Valentine’s day. I didn’t attend the show because I was only released from the hospital two days before. I could have gone, and perhaps would have been fine, but considering I was recovering from a brain aneurysm and major surgery, I choose not to and gave my tickets to a friend.

The noise level at the shows is what concerned me about going.

Months later, in August, the WWE was back in town for a Smackdown taping. I did go to this one, along with my best friend, Dave Parrish.

It was a moment at this event that this True Story is about, I call it:
I’ve got your back . . . wink, wink.

We had a great time, and I had no lingering effects from the aneurysm, though I was concerned about the noise level bothering me. It didn’t.

We were a little disappointed when the event started with Curtis Axel, neither of us are big fans. However, he went on to have the best match we have seen from him against Sheamus. It was a few matches later that we experience an unforgettable moment.

Randy Orton came out for his match. I don’t remember who he was facing, but that is not important here. Also, keep in mind that Randy is the bad guy.

We were ringside, sitting two rows back from the corner Randy climbed up to show off to the fans. We are both fans of Orton, but keeping in the spirit of Pro Wrestling and Randy being the Heel, Dave gave him hell . . . and Randy attacked like viper.

His music stopped, Randy suddenly stop his usually theatrics, turn and stared at the two of us. He started mouthing off and pointed at us.

Being the friend that I am, I made sure I had Dave’s back . . . by selling him out.

I stood up, shouted at Randy, “It was him, It was him,” while pointing at Dave.

Much to my surprise, as I was just goofing around, Randy actually answered me. He pointed at Dave, and said “Him? Yeah, I know.” A few ‘Heel’ threats were thrown in for good measure. At least once during the match, Randy glared over at Dave.

After he won the match, Randy showboated in the corner again, and had some choice words for Dave.

Dave never backed down, and keep the heat on Orton.

In all the time I have gone to WWE events, many with Dave, and all the times we both have given wrestlers hell, that was the first time any one of them actually acknowledge us.

For Dave it is a damn badge of honor.

It was a great time to boot.

Ace Masters

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