Thursday, March 19, 2015


This is a story that could be posted to my Burning Mind blog as it is comic book related. However it is also a true story.

For a while, starting in 1998, I went to the big one, the San Diego Comic Con, for a number of years. Very few moments at San Diego or any other con I have been too matched an experience I had during my first trip in ’98.

This is a True story about A COOL SAN DIEGO MOMENT.

I initially went with the intentions of making contacts and hopefully some in roads to breaking into the industry. Of course I also brought some books with me I wanted to get signed and had a list of some people I wanted to meet.

I don’t remember if I had the time mixed up, or there was a misprint in the program. On Friday I attended a two hour seminar on writing for comics, which went from 12 to 2. After the seminar, I went back down to the main hall for the scheduled Roy Thomas signed from 2 to 3.

I was disappointed to find Mister Thomas packing up and that the signing was 1 to 2!
Somehow I ended up talking to Roy while he was putting stuff away, told him why I missed the signing. He took out a pen, asked to see what book I had, and graciously signed my copy of Power of Warlock #1. That however was not the cool moment.

I thanked him, and asked if he needed help. He didn’t, but was grateful for the offer.

It didn’t take him long to pack up, and we talked for a few moments.

He then surprised me when he said he was going to grab some lunch from the convention center café if I wanted to talk. For about a half hour or so, I had lunch and hung out with Roy Thomas. We talked comics and writing, but I never once asked for help to break in. Many people think I should have, but all good.

He told me that one of the reason he talked to me, was because he could tell how serious I was about comics, and I discussed them as an art form. I wasn’t just a fan boy who thought it was cool to be into comics.

That is still the best moment I have had at any convention, having lunch and talking comics with one of my favorite writers.

Ace Masters

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