Thursday, March 12, 2015

Out of the Mouths of Adults

Does anyone remember the film Piranha 3D? The remake of the Corman produced Piranha.

It doesn’t really matter if you do or not. This movie has a special place in my life as it was a big break for me. I was actually on set for two days, covering the making of the film for Fangoria. I wrapped up this gig with two articles for Fangoria, the second one being a cover piece.

But that is not what this story is about . . . On set and in film was a porn star (I won’t mention her name) who played a girls gone wild type role. She was also the only cast member there those two days who wouldn’t do interviews.

This is a True Story I call
Out of the Mouths of Adults.

Late on the first day of filming I was invited up to Video Alley, where the director watches screens of all the action being shot. They were shooting an underwater scene with The Porn Star. She was supposed to swim underwater and act like Piranha’s were coming out of her mouth. Yes, out of her mouth.

When I asked Alexandre Aja, the director, how they got into her body to come out of her mouth, he just smiled. No answer.

She had to wear a bikini for this scene, and she asked for a closed set. No one but she and the camera would be in that section of the large tank they were filming in. I wasn’t the only one who found it odd that a Porn Star who is normally naked and doing sex acts on camera wanted a closed set.

Every other actress there, including Kelly Brook, was walking around in bikinis and filming with no problems.

I thought she might just be nervous. I kept any thoughts or comments to myself. Professional that I am.

Others didn’t. Some of the crew, made comments about how it was odd she asked for a closed set, for being a porn star.

She did the scene a few times before Aja had the take he liked. Once over, one guy next to me let a massive quip out.

“I bet that is the first time anything every came out of her mouth,” he said. Everyone laughed.

I chuckled myself, honesty.

Later, I watched her, a robed tightly wrapped around her, slink off to her trailer. She didn’t look happy.

I wondered, how many people made crude remarks behind her back about her because she was a porn star? I know there were some. I wonder how many she heard?

Ace Masters.

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