Thursday, March 12, 2015


This is another true story that involves my aneurysm in a way. It takes place a couple of month after it happened, when I returned to work with my Mom.

When I am not writing or working on projects, trying to build my career, I work with my Mom. We have private clientele in the Sun City areas in Metro Phoenix, Arizona. Around March or April of 2014, we went to meet a potential new client at her home.

Were we there for about twenty minutes, she told us all about herself, her travels and even personal issues that should be left private. One of those included a strain relationship with a son who is a former cocaine and heroin. A son she told us she cut off because of his addiction.

This point is important to what happened when my mom mentioned my aneurysm in a This is a True Story I call

After talking about her son, this lady mention some medical issue she had, a stroke or something. For some reason my Mom mentioned my aneurysm, this lady jumped.
She looked right at me and said, “That’s what you get for doing drugs.”

“I don’t do drugs,” I told her, not politely either.

She didn’t believe me. She insisted that I had to do drugs, no one as young as me could have an aneurysm unless they were doing something. Then she dropped this, “you just looked like a druggie.”

Once again, I insisted that I have never done drugs, and never will. Which is the truth, I never had. Mom even jumped in and told her that it is a genetic condition among males in her family, which it is.

She voiced that we were delusional, it was drugs and she knew it. She could tell, she dealt with it from her son long enough.

Needless to say, we left. She wanted to hire us, but I refused to go. I wasn’t going to put up with her on a regular basis.

Some of our clients know her and tried to defend her, all using senile as an excuse. The problem is, she wasn’t senile, just a bitch. That comes straight from her mouth.
She told us early on in the meeting, “I’m picky and I can be the biggest bitch you will ever meet.”

Ace Masters

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