Monday, March 9, 2015

This is a True Story: Screwing up . . . Single Style

I am not a religious person, but I don’t care if someone is. I don’t preach or knock anyone’s belief. I respect others right to believe, and expect the same. Unfortunately I don’t always get that same respect back.

Often I find people personal beliefs thrown into my face and forced upon me. More often than not religious beliefs, or what they claim are religious.

This was a case last year with one of my clients, in a This is True Story I call
Screwing up . . . Single Style

I have a number of senior citizens as client for my ‘real’ job. This particular client can be a handful. Everyone that knows her, thinks she is awesome. Boy, are they wrong.
For some reason they all tell me that she speak highly of me, to them. Something I have a problem with, for she has only treated me in the times I have worked for her with nothing but contempt.

She wears her so-called religious beliefs on her sleeve, making sure everyone knows what she believes in and telling them how wrong they are in everything in life.

Low-and-behold they day she found out I am single. You would think that not being married was a sin against god and life itself. She literally went off and started demanding to know why I wasn’t married. I told her the truth, I haven’t meet the right person, and I have no plans on getting married.

She hit with a massive slur, “Only sissy faggots aren’t married.” Yeah, she said that.

“I’m not gay,” I told her.

“No,” she responded, “You’re worse. You need to find a woman and get married.”

I ignored her, but that didn’t matter.

Then, she went religious, “You’re fucking up God’s plan. He has plans for you and you’re fucking them up by being single.”

This continue for the rest of the time I was there. Apparently she speaks for God, and knows what his plans are for me. She quoted numerous biblical passages, and continued in a religious tirade of why I HAD to be married.

I finished up my work, and as I was leaving she told me she was going to make it her personal mission to get me married, ASAP. That why I would be back on God’s plan.
“I don’t plan on getting married I told her.”

“Then you’re going to hell,” she said.

True Story.

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