Sunday, November 13, 2016


“Warning there is some XXX language toward the end of this story.”

I’ll be honest, even I have a hard time believing this story, but it is true. It happened right here in my home town of Glendale, AZ, though one might think it would be more appropriate if it occurred in Porn Valley.

To showcase how long ago this actually happened, this proposal was made to me in a Borders Books and Music parking lot!

This is a True Story I Call AN XXX AFFAIR  . . .

To be truthfully, there wasn’t any affair, but there was an awkward, weird moment that left me with a ‘Maybe I should have done it,’ feeling.

One afternoon I was at the once upon a time Borders in the Arrowhead area of Glendale, AZ. Big store, lots of books, music, movies. I loved the place, but this story isn’t about Borders. It doesn’t even take place at Borders (or a least IN Borders).

It happened in the parking lot, on a bright sunny day as I was walking to my car. I don’t even remember if I bought anything that day, but I do remember this ‘affair.’

I won’t mention the girl’s name, or the company she worked for (both legit). What girl, you ask?

The girl in a pair of blue cut-off shorts and a white tank top. The girl with flowing brunette hair, long legs and . . . you get the picture. She was about twenty at the most, beautiful and had a very mature confidence about herself. I had seen her in Borders, but never said anything.

Oh, and it’s okay, around this time I was in my late twenties (no cradle robbing).

She’s was the one who approached me, introduced herself and starting talking to me. (Yea me!) She jumped up on the hood of my Ford Escort, swung her legs a little, flirted, then asked me something very odd, ‘Have you ever thought of doing porn?’

My reaction was to numerous a mix of emotions at one time to really describe. I’m sure that I had some weird look on my face because she laughed. She handed me a card and made it clear she was legitimately asking me if I would be interested in doing porn.

She worked for a Glendale based XXX website, and they were looking for some new guys for scenes. Good pay too.

I have to admit it, I thought about it for a moment. But if I did, there goes any chance of my writing career. It was tempting. We talked a little longer and I eventually asked, ‘Would I get to work with you?’ Naïve way to put it. Hey, I was caught off guard.

‘Fuck me? Of course. Why do you think I’m asking you?’ She made it very clear she wanted to fuck, and just as clear that she wanted to get paid while doing it. For the website. For the world to see. She topped it off with this. ‘You can cum in me too if you want.’

Well, duh, yeah. I was flattered. I was fluster. I was excited. I was hoping we could continue in the back of my escort.

I seriously considered it. This girl had ‘Dream Girl’ written all over her. She also was picking up a stranger (me) in a parking lot to do porn. How many other guys would/had she approached. How many guys took her up on her offer?

As much as I would have like to, I turned it down. Porn is best left for me to watch, not star in. She was disappointed, but gave me a kiss and told me to call her if I changed my mind.

Later after getting home, I checked out the website: There she was.
I looked at the card again, just business info. If I did change my mind, I’d be calling an office, not the girl. Her name was different on the site too. Hell it was different in every scene on there.


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