Saturday, November 19, 2016


My favorite place in the entire World is Warwick Castle in England. When my family lived in England, while my dad served in the Air Force, I talked my parents into talking me to Warwick Castle numerous times. I also wormed my way into any school trip that was going there.

This is an event that happened the first time I went there, a True Story I call WARWICK.

In 1985 I was 11 years old and went to Warwick Castle for the first time on a school field trip. It was not the first castle I had been to, but to this day it is still the best. I felt a connection to the place I have never felt before.

It wasn’t déjà vu. It was more like coming home.

We took the normal tour. A guide showed us all the cool stuff they wanted us to see, and told us about the areas they didn’t want us to see. This included a Tower were prisoners who were to be executed were kept.

Guess where I went. Nothing was locked, nor roped off. I stole away from the group, made sure I wasn’t seen (sure . . .), and slid my way up the tower. It was dark, damp and very prison like. There were actually no lights and nothing modern to allow me to see.

As I reached the top of the tower, light come through the door. There was no handle on the tower door, and sunlight from outside seeped through. I pushed the door open and walked in. Light flooded in through the shutterless window.

The place had bad smell to it, and wasn’t very clean. It was very cool though. I looked out the window and saw just how high up I was. I’m not afraid of heights, but it was a little disorientating for a moment. I could see everything, included he parking lot which ruined the view – and the school bus.

I thought it was so cool. I was here and no one knew. Cool . . . until . . .

I felt my hair pulled. Pulled like an adult does when catching a child up to no good. My hair was yanked and neck snapped back. I turned around, but no one was there. I freaked out and scanned the tower. It was small, and the only door was the one I came in.

Just my imagination, right? Maybe a gust of wind? This was England and I was high up.

Spooked and trying to convince myself it was nothing, I left the room. I closed the door behind me to leave it like I found it. So no one would know I was there of course. The sunlight streamed through the hole in the door where the handle should be. It gave me some light to see by as I made my way down.

Then the light disappeared. I looked back, and something was blocking the light. The holes in the door were now pitch black.

Eventually I made my way back to the field trip group, and made claims I went to the bathroom. The teacher never believed me, but was glad I wasn’t lost. We finished the tour, and then were allowed to roam freely as long as we stayed out of off limits area.
The place was awesome and I enjoyed the rest of the day exploring the areas we were allowed in. The spooked and uneasy feeling I had in the tower slowly subsided. Once the bus ride home, I kept thinking about the tower, and how I had an experience no one else did.

No other time I visited Warwick Castle did I have a similar experience, but I also never went off like that again.


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