Monday, November 14, 2016


About two years ago I had a great time at a Click Jab Wrestling Event. If you’re not familiar with Click Jab, they set up meet-and-greats with pro wrestlers and a wrestling event with a mix of indie and bigger name stars.

The Wrestlementary Crew was almost out in Full Force, Dave came with me, but Chris was unable to make it. He missed a great time.

A few of the big names that were there were: Christopher Daniels & Kazaraian (aka Bad Influence or The Addiction), Davari, James Storm, Gangrel, EC3 and Bret Hart!

Everyone list above wrestled that night except for Bret Hart (of course), who did get in the ring and talk.

However, my Highlight of the Night was something that happened during the Meet and Greet, with one of the ladies wrestlers there. No, I won’t name who it was, or what ladies where there.

This is a true story I call CLICK GRAB.

The Meet and Greet was a nice set up. Everyone was at their own table, doing signings, photos and selling merchandise. All the photos were taking by a Click Jab employee, on each person’s cell phone or tablet, or camera (???).

Of course I got stuff signed, grabbed some merch, and posed for my pictures with everyone. Great, fun time.

I even gave copies of my graphic novel Rushmore to Daniels and Kaz, as they are both big comic book fans, and I happen to know they read it that night.

My Highlight came when sitting down at a table with a certain female wrestler . . . she was very kind, very lovely and very grabby . . .

Yes, grabby. I sat down in the chair next to her at the table for my picture and she . . . grabbed my crouch! Seriously, as I sat there for a minute, she put her hand in my lap, under the table and grabbed my crouch.


After the picture was taken, she grabbed my phone to make sure it was good. Once my turn at the table was done, she hugged me and whispered ‘You’re hot.’

Yes, this actually happened – and I have witnesses.

I was molested by a famous female pro wrestler . . . AND I LOVED IT!


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