Friday, November 18, 2016

Urinal Unity

I have written about fond memories from England. This is not one of them. Call this a cautionary tale, but also a tale of unity.

It also show that things like this happened years ago and is not just a modern issue. On the positive side, it also shows how even kids can come together.

This is a True Store I call Urinal Unity.

I hate Urinals. I don’t use them to this day. This is the reason why.

1986 I was 12. I was on a school field trip in England to Stratford-Upon-Avon, home of Shakespeare. Awesome place, great day and even took a boat ride down the Thames! However, there was one bad moment.

I went to use a public bathroom, by myself. 12 years is a good age, and few people think this stuff would happen (then or now). I was using the urinal when this guy came in and used the one next to me. He started staring at me, made crude comments and want to touch me, and me him. I got the hell out of there.

I rejoined my group, all of us 10 to 13 years. I was not in a good place, and was scared at that moment. I told them what happened. Guess what?

We were all military brats. All of our fathers were serving in the United States Air Force. Some of us didn’t like each other, but no one missed with any one of us.

Imagine a group of 20, 10 to 13 year olds going into a public bathroom together looking for a man who tried to molest one of us.

That’s what happen. All of us military brats banded together, even guys I didn’t like looked out for me. We made one mistake, we never told the teacher. However, we all stuck together, and no one went off on their own for the rest of the field trip.

The trip ended up being great fun. Nothing else ever happen. I was never actually molested, but it was a freaky moment.


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