Thursday, August 3, 2017


Okay, this True Story is short, silly and maybe even stupid. I don’t know on that last one. This would be your call, not mine.

This is a True Story I call Yes! OH SHIT!

You might want to be a serious collector (of anything) or just someone who has been searching for something for years to appreciate this story.

Correction – you might want to be someone who has found something you have been searching for, for years.

This is such a moment.

When it comes to books, comics and DVD I have a list of stuff I need for my collection. Often the books and comics I am looking for are very hard to come by. DVD’s are not so hard, but there are some that I want that are long out-of-print.

I found one of those long out-of-print DVD’s a few weeks ago at a Zia Records store. It was a used copy for $9.99, but that doesn’t matter. Even used, the same item goes on eBay for up to $150. It works, I can watch it, it’s in the collection finally – that is what matters.

I was in this Zia’s waiting on items I was trading in and looking around. This time, oddly enough, I really wasn’t looking for anything, just passing the time. That is usually how it happens.

I saw something out of the corner of my eye . . . could it be! My heart raced, my eyes bugled, I felt the excitement of a major find. I jet my arm out to snatch the disc from the shelf before the couple coming up from the other direction could possibly grab it . . .

And almost committed mass murder!

Yes, I almost killed (or at least injured) the people on the other side of the shelf. I grabbed out for the disc so quick and hard that I almost knocked the entire shelf over! The shelf rocked! I quickly grabbed the top of it and balanced it out.

Then, once it was steady and safe, I jetted around the corner of another shelf out of view.


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