Thursday, August 3, 2017


Here we go with another True Story from San Diego Comic-Con. It is Convention Season after all.

This took place around 2006 or 2007, one of the last years I attended San Diego. It involves a complete idiot.

This is a True Tale I call WHOSE THE OLD FUCK?

It was the Marvel booth, and there was very long line for a particular person (guess who). I had already been through the line and was resting, sitting down on the ground against a pillar, staying out the way. This weird, grungy guy was walking around, trying to cut in the line and get a glimpse of who everyone was in line for.

He must have finally got a glimpse of the person, and didn’t seem impressed, or to recognize the gentleman doing the signing.

He said, to no one in particular, “Who’s the old fuck?”

I just sat there and watched the fireworks.

Someone in line answered, “Stan Lee!”

To which this man said, “Who’s that?”

Seriously, this guy was at San Diego Comic-Con, hanging around the Marvel Booth and had no idea who Stan Lee was.

Those fireworks I mentioned went off at this time. Some people in line where this guys was standing were pissed. They took great offense to “Who’s that?” There were choice words leveled at the guy, and he returned them in the same vein.

It was an insult he hurled at Stan Lee that took things to the next level and I thought people in line were going to kill him. Security was called and the situation calmed down.

I just sat there listening and watching through all of this.

I figured he was just a jerk there to bash on fans, and almost got bashed himself.


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