Thursday, August 3, 2017

A Brief on the State and Return of This Is A True Story . . . And an Awesome True Story!!

You Want a True Story . . . Truly?

Well, here it goes: This is A True Story is back! Or at least I am back to posting.

Another True Story, I have a number of stories written for the BLOG!

The Follow up to that, is I just haven’t posted. No reason way, just didn’t.

But here is the happy ending to this True Story, I am posting now and will be weekly again!

This week’s story should have went up a while ago, but here it is now. It’s about something close to my heart – Awesome.

This story is a True Tale, but not the normal story I tell here. Usually I write about feel good, weird, funny, outlandish or just stupid moments from my life. I’ve also written about my pets and at length about my aneurysm three-and-a-half-years ago.

This story could fit into all of them (except my pets), but it is more about an anniversary, partaking in one of my favorite things in life and just life.

This is a True Tale I call AWESOME.

Yes, January 29th, 2014 I collapsed due to an aneurysm, but I survived and am going strong today. This is thanks to the Doctors who performed the surgery and do my check-ups (Dr. Wilson and Dr. Suninshine), my mom, friends (Dave Parrish, Ken Brown, Ron Summers, Clay Stubblefield, Bobby Minch, Collen Lacy, Nikki Maxon, Dawn Nixon, Greg Bronson (RIP), etc.) and another source that people may find odd. People who don’t even know the impact they had on me.

I am a huge pro wrestling fan (yes, this again!). Not just the WWE, but all wrestling. Especially the AWF. Three years ago I went to my first AWF event in Peoria, AZ, at their original venue. This was only the second public event I had went to since being released from the hospital on Valentine’s Day (2014).

I was concerned about going to events after the aneurysm and my time in the hospital. My Mom more so, and I had orders from Doctors to take it easy. Still I went . . .

And in three years and-a-half-years I haven’t missed an event. My friend Chris Rose attended this first one with me, Dave started coming with the next event and has only missed one since.

That first night was a great live show. Sitting front row in a fold up chair, having the bad guys yell at me, wrestlers fall out of the ring at our feet – even having my chair used as a weapon! A wrestler even hit his head off the just too low ceiling when jumping off the top rope!

Over the last three years it’s become more than just a show. It became therapeutic for me as I recovered. Better, I’ve become friends with some of the guys and often become part of the Bad Guys ‘getting over.’

Then there is Jen – the owner’s wife and her Cool-as-anything BOSS daughter.

For the last three years the Arizona Wresting Federation has become a big part of my life and it was for the first year a big part of my recovery.

Or, as I like to call it: The AWESOME Wrestling Federation.


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