Thursday, August 3, 2017


Man, I just have to admit, I just can’t figure out what some people do. Things that children would know better than to do. I mean stuff that even mentally challenged people would know is not a good idea. Stuff that anybody with a brain would know is Stupid!

This is a True Tale I call KEYLESS/CLUELESS.

This story comes about because I have a number of people I know with the some outlook that I can’t understand.

A couple of years ago, a client asked me to house sit, and I planned on it. The house was nice, in a retirement community and he had lived there for over ten years. Both the front and back doors had heavy security doors for safety and added protection (or so one would think.)

The day before he left I went over to his house and we discussed things. He gave me the code to the garage door, so I could come and go that way. This got stupid when I asked him about keys to the house.
STUPID. Are you ready for this?

He told me I didn’t need any keys, he never locks the inside garage door. In fact, he told me, he doesn’t even have a key to that door’s lock.

Um . . . really?

The only key he had was to the front and back door – and then only the handles.

Ok, it gets stupider. Really.

He drilled home to me to only come in and out through the garage. Do NOT lock the inside garage door (to the house), Do NOT lock either security door and Do NOT lock the deadbolt on the regular front and back doors.


Yes! He didn’t have a key to any of those doors/deadbolts. (He still doesn’t)


Recently I’ve ran into the same thing. Clients telling me not to lock certain doors (front, back, security, laundry room) because they don’t have keys to the door and would get locked out.

Yes, people I know have doors to their house unlocked because they don’t have keys to the locks!


Needless to say, I didn’t stay at the man house for the two weeks he was gone. I just checked it every couple of days.

Oh, and when he stiffed me on payment – claiming he thought this was a favor – I made sure every door in the house was locked.


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