Thursday, January 5, 2017

This is a True Story: NAILED IT!!!!

My mom might not be happy with me sharing this story, considering how she reacted to this event.

This event being me coming home at 9 or 10 years old with a nail through my finger in a True Story I call NAILED IT.

During this time my dad was stationed in England (US Air Forces) and we lived in Base Housing in Biscter, in a community called Glory Farms. I liked the place, except for the fact that our house was across the street from my school. (Boo!)

That made it hard to skip out, or even get out of school being sick. And I sure couldn’t miss the school bus. However, it did mean that I could go home for lunch! Which I did every day to a homemade lunch courtesy of my mom.

Well, one day I came home, crying my eyes out and screaming in pain. I had a nail through my middle finger, blood ran down my hand and stained the nail. My mom freaked out, unsure what to do at first. She sat me down, put a wet cloth around my hand, and tried to calm me down as she grabbed the phone to call an ambulance.

That is when I took the fake plastic nail off my finger and showed it to her, laughing. The nail and the blood were fake! I was acting and got one over on my mom big time. She truly believed I had a nail driven through my finger.


Until she almost knocked me the hell out. She was pissed and didn’t find it funny. She went to hit me, but stopped herself and didn’t (she NEVER hit me no matter what I did.).

I felt bad at that point, and tried to apologize, it was just a joke. (A good one). Turns out, she was more upset with herself for her reaction, then me. All good.

When I got home from school later that day, it was my mom’s turn. She told me to pull the same prank on my father, she even went along with me.

My dad’s response? “Nice nail.” Dumb dad.

This is one of my fondest memories because it worked. Not so much my mom.


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