Sunday, January 15, 2017


Years ago, between jobs, I would do side work from some people. Computers, handy work, errands, I built a small clientele in retirement communities. There were was one lady I never really liked, but she was never home when I would do stuff for her.

Her house was on a manmade lake in the far North West Valley of Metro Phoenix. The back yard was about ten feet deep, ending at a walkway with stairs down to the lake’s edge and a paddle boat for use on the lake.

On this day I was to pick up a couple of mirrors and hang them up for her.

This is a True Story I Call DARK MIRROR.

I picked up two mirrors for this lady from a no-longer-in-business store, and went to her house. She was out, but a key she gave me let me in. The mirrors were fairly large, but I had little problem in hanging them.

The living room one went up without a hitch.

The dining room had an even larger mirror on the wall she was replacing. The good news was I found out when I took the mirror down, I could still use the hooks there to put up the new mirror. It fit perfectly.

The dining room was adjoined to the Kitchen, like most houses built in this era. No separation at all. In the mirror was reflected the kitchen, kitchen window and the lake beyond. As I looked into the mirror I blinked and . . .

There was a black figure reflected in the mirror. I looked behind me, out the window: nothing. I looked back, the figure was still reflected in the mirror. It was the silhouette of a man’s upper body – as if someone was standing outside the window.

For the first time in my life I felt an icy chill run over me. It wasn’t my reflection, I know that. The figure stood off to my right.

I glanced back again and again nothing. The figure was now gone from the mirror as well.

I ran out back and looked around. I even went to the walkway and there was no one.

I have no problem in saying I was freaked by the moment. I tried to figure it out, but nothing I did brought the figure back. There was nothing that it could have been a reflection off.

This happened long before any show like Ghost Hunters ever hit the air, so there was no influence from that.

All I know is that briefly there was a figure in that mirror, and there was nothing there it could have been.

It only happened that one time. I was back there a number of times after that, I even looked in the mirror again, seeing if the figure would reappear. Or, if I could see something that would have caused it. Nothing.

The figure had no features, only the shape of a man. It was pitch black, not transparent and never moved. Yes, I know the different ideas of what it could have been, and what it could have meant.

Fortunately, none of those ideas have come to pass.


1 comment:

  1. Probably Death sizing you up. Sucka didn't know tho that you had an elbow to drop on him!
