Thursday, January 12, 2017

This Is Another True Wal-Mart Story I Call WHY I HATE . . .

I really don’t like Wal-Mart. In fact I hate it. I only shop there when my mom asks me to pick something up, or one of my clients insist I get items they need from Wal-Mart.

Once again, I had an issue at Wal-Mart with one of their employees. I have never had issues like this anywhere else.

This is border line wrong to say, but sometimes it is hard to not say I hate people who work at Wal-Mart. I don’t hate them, in general. However I know the negative atmosphere that Wal-Mart creates, and that often seeps into how their employees treat people.

This is a True Story I call WHY I HATE . . . .

I went into a super Wal-Mart to get food and items for a client. This bitch nice lady insist that is must be from Wal-Mart. In fact she’ll refuse to pay if the receipt is from anywhere else, even if it is cheaper.

Any, I went to the Super, I picked up her stuff, and a couple of things for me. Two DVD’s and a bottle of soda were my stuff. At the self-check I scanned all of my client’s stuff, leaving mine on the side. Her stuff came to over a hundred dollars.

As I started to pay, the clerk there came up to me and she said, “You know you have to pay for this stuff.” It wasn’t a question, but a statement.

I told her I would, in a moment.

She grab the stuff and started to walk off with it! Seriously!!

I told her I wanted it. She again told me I needed to pay for it. I told her I am going to, but I am paying for the stuff separately.

I paid for my client’s stuff. This bitch clerk stayed there next to me, ignoring others, watching and making sure I scanned and paid for my stuff. The whole time she talked about how this was stupid, she’s never known anyone to pay separately.

Once done, I held both receipts up and asked if she wanted to see them. She said no, she knew I paid.
I left, put my stuff in the car, but I couldn’t let this go.

I went back in, talked to her and asked her out. Yes, I did. To my surprised she said ‘Sure.’ That worked out nice for what I wanted to do.

My response, ‘Do I have to pay first?’

She didn’t like that. :-(


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