Thursday, January 28, 2016

What’s Wrong With You?

Because I will be attending two Indie Wrestling events this weekend, one of them an AWF show, this week’s True Story is AWF related. This time the story actually involves me.

One of the biggest and baddest wrestlers on the west coast scene is the Bad Man From the Desert Sands, Clutch. A big, burly 300-pounder brawler, who can fly and show some great athleticism when he wants too.

This particular night he was wrestling as the heel. I, and the Wrestlementary, were sitting front row at the ring corner across from the ramp. Clutch came out, circled the ring, ignored people and prepared for battle.

I don’t remember who his opponent was, but I vividly remember that Clutch cornered the guy in the corner of the ring where we were sitting, climbed to the second rope and started hitting the guy. Then stopped.

This pissed me off. I yelled at Clutch, “Hit him again!” I cheered him on. Clutch hit him again. “Harder!” I yelled. Clutch obliged me.

“Hit him again. Rip him apart!” I yelled. I’m a fan of Clutch, even as a heel I wanted him to win.

So, what did Clutch do? The big bad heel.

He jumped down from the ropes, looked right at me, and said “What the hell is wrong you with?”

Yes, he broke character to admonish me for encouraging him to kill his opponent. In fact that was my response: “Kill him!”

It was actually hilarious and cool. The Bad Man From the Desert Sands, the heel who is supposed to hurt and maim his opponent on his way to victory, stopped in the middle of the match to admonish me for very vocally wanting him to hurt and maim his opponent on his way to victory.

I love Wrestling.


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