Thursday, January 14, 2016


This THIS IS A TRUE STORY is something that happened recently, this year in fact.

This year is only 14 days old as of this writing, but I have already had some weird things happen . . . this story is the best so far. And it didn’t even happen to me!

2016 got off to a great start. On the second of January, my best friend and business partner, Dave Parrish, and I went to the Lucha Wrestling Unleashed event at the AWF arena in downtown Glendale, AZ.
No better way to kick off a new year then spending time with friends, hot girls and pro wrestling!

Anyway, the highlight of the night came from a wrestler called El something Loco, I’m not quite sure what his ring name is. I know he’s loco, and his act is almost XXX, so I’ll call him El XXX Loco. His gimmick is that of an apparently ‘femme’ camp counselor, reminds me of Meatballs.

He comes out in camp counselor gear, does a strip tease into his ring trunks. Then, at some point later, does a second tease and pulls his tights’ straps out his trunk. All in an overly exaggerated ‘femme’ manner. It really gets the crowd going, and gets him heat.

That is not the story though.

At this last event, while shielding our eyes from his actions, this little shit El XXX Loco, rolled out of the ring toward Dave and I. We had no idea what was going on. Dave was flabbergasted when Loco walked up beside him . . .

and YANKED the chair out from underneath Dave!

No warning. Nothing.

Worse part is Dave had his jacket on the back of the chair.

Dave was in shock. I started yellow at the little XXX, “His Jacket! His Jacket!” El XXX Loco ignored me, and others yelling at him, slide the chair under the ring and rolled back into the ring for his match. Dave didn’t have his chair or jacket, both were now under the ring.

Dave’s chair was replaced rather quickly by someone who works for the promotion, but his jacket was never retrieved.

El XXX Loco was quickly taken out of the match after a few seconds and never even used the chair.

At some point Dave got his jacket back, probably when I was getting a soda, of course it was dusty and dirty.

Other wrestlers at these events have taken our chairs, but usually they ask, or warn us . . . but they’ve never stolen personal property!


Ace Masters

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