Thursday, February 4, 2016

It’s not Fair That You Get So Many Incentive Comics

This TRUE STORY is probably going to make me look bad in the eyes of some. Even though I was the one on the receiving end of a verbal assault from out of nowhere, what I said back to this person people seem to have a problem with.

This happened back in November, around 10A.M on a Wednesday morning. How do I know this exactly? Because I do the same thing every Wednesday morning from 9-10 A.M. I visit my local comic shop and get my weekly comics. I also get the Incentive Limited Covers for the titles I collect. I only get the Incentive for titles I read.

Some weeks, the Incentives are plentiful.

That morning there was a gentleman in the store, talking about how he wished he could afford the Incentives. 

I hung around for a while as I usually do, then checked out and walked to my car, box of comics in my hands. I placed the box on my passengers’ side seat, turned to close the door when I found the gentlemen from in the store moment ago standing behind me.

He said, “You should let other people get some of those incentives.”

I had no idea who this guys was. I had never seen him in the store before. I’ve never seen him since. I told him, “I can buy whatever I want to buy.”

He seemed really pissed, especially for a guy who moments before was bemoaning that he didn’t have enough money to by the Incentives on a regular basis. He seemed to be upset that I bought/do buy the Incentive Cover Comics that I want.

He spouted out with venom, “It’s not fair they allow you to buy so many Incentives.”

“It’s not fair you’re allowed to breathe valuable air,” I spat back.

He didn’t say anything. The anger slipped from his face and he now looked like a child who had his favorite toy taken away. He slithered away, dejected, and I have never seen him again.

Make no mistake, this guy got into my face. He came up on me from behind, so close to me I couldn’t even move out to close my car door. So close, our noses were practically touching. He came after me, I cut him down.

I have told a few people this story, and almost all of them get upset with me, that I wasn’t fair to this guy. That what I said was wrong.

Hey, you get into my face like this, you get what you deserve. Someone gets into anyone’s face like this, that someone gets what they deserve.


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