Thursday, January 22, 2015


Ever do something stupid and embarrassing? Even smart people can be idiots at time.

I used to work for a billing firm in a building that also housed an office for a modeling agency, so there were a lot of attractive women around. The sad fact is most of them worked in my office!

I took some overtime one weekend and came in on a Saturday to help clean up the office, and made a fool out of myself.

Read on for the true tale


The billing firm I worked for was located in down town Phoenix. It was a good job, good pay and a boss I was nuts for. I mean really nuts for, kinda puppy-dog-love-do-what-she-asked nuts for. She was two years younger than me, six feet tall, slim, dark haired and beautiful.

We became good friends, but nothing beyond that to my regret.

There were a lot of good looking models who came and went from the modelling agency, but none matched my boss. That is unbiased and honest. After a lot of prodding, I convince her to talk to them. She did.

Well, one weekend I took overtime and agreed to come in and help clean up the outside of the office after a monsoon. The office was on the ground floor and I took the task of cleaning the windows. I was actually cleaning the double glass doors when my boss walked out.

She was coming out of the modeling agency and looked stunning! And half naked. We talked for a few minutes, and I know I fumbled over a few words. I won’t tell you what I was thinking when she told me she got a gig for a lingerie catalog!

She was leaving to go home and like a horn dog I watched her walk to the car, and she waved to me when driving off.

Obviously, other things were on my mind when I turned around to go inside and WALKED INTO the clean glass door. Seriously, I walked into the damn door and almost knocked myself on my own ass.

The door was so clean that when I turned around, I thought it was open!

Ace Masters

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