Thursday, January 1, 2015

This . . . This is a True Story Intro

Hello and welcome to the first post of this faux new blog ‘This . . . This is a True Story.’

Here, on this blog, I will post True Stories from my life. Some of this stories will sound incredible, some downright stupid, many you may not believe, but they will all have one thing in common: They are true.

These are not short stories. Nothing here will be fiction. They will all be things I have done, were done to me, or I have experienced. These tales from my life will cover many things, some may be good, some may be bad, some funny, some heartbreaking, some heartwarming, and even some that may show me in a poor light.

No matter what true story I will share, it is not my intention to defame anyone, and some tales will show people in an unflattering way. To that end, the only identity that will be revealed is mine. I will not name any other person in my story, though they do exist.

I will post to This . . . This is a True Story at least once a week, on every Thursday evening, starting with today, January 1.

I wrote ‘faux new blog’ because I originally launched this blog last January 1, but do to my aneurysm, I never starting posting.

That changes today. Since this a Thursday, and is January 1, I will post my first This . . . This is a True Story, tonight!

Stayed tuned for a wicked tale from my early life that I call “It says PULL.”

Ace Masters

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