Thursday, January 1, 2015


Welcome to the first This . . . This is a True Story story. That is, this is the first blog that chronicles a true story from my life.

This is actually my favorite story to tell and happened when I was about five or six. Yes, I do remember this incident vividly, even though I was so young.

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I was an Air Force brat as my dad served in the US Air Force for 23 years. At this time in my life my dad had just been assigned to Cannon AFB in New Mexico, just outside the town of Clovis. We had been in Germany for the last year, though that has little bearing on this story.

Even though my dad was on leave when we arrived at Cannon AFB, to be able to find housing and get settled in, he had to check in the day after we arrived at the base.

My mom and I went with him to the base headquarters so he could sign in. I never went further than the main lobby, but I remember it was a big place and I wanted to look around. Of course my mom wouldn’t let me. Who in their right mind with let five/six year old wander around to their own devices?

Despite my mom’s vigilance in watching me while we waited, I found my path to freedom and went off to do my own thing.

And what a path I found myself on, as I set the entire base on Alert! Really, I did! A five year set a military base on full alert, with the headquarters on lock down!

Within minutes, Military EMTs, Firemen, and I believe MPs, stormed the lobby of the base headquarters, frantically scrambling for the emergency.

At the same time, personal in the building, including my dad and the base commander, were orderly – yeah, right – heading for the fire exits.

For you see, little bugger that I was, I had PULLED THE FIRE ALARM.

I remember watching everyone scrambling around. My mom was frantically looking for me and found me . . . along with my dad, the firemen and the base commander.

I was in trouble. At that age I didn’t understand what kind of trouble I could have gotten my father in. When they realized that I had pulled the fire alarm and there wasn’t an emergency and no fire, everyone was relieved and annoyed.

When asked, by just about everyone, WHY I had pulled the fire alarm, I gave them an honest answer.

It said PULL, so I PULLED!

The good news was, everyone was so relieved that there wasn’t a real emergency that they thought it was hilarious. Think about it, a five year old put a military base on full alert and lockdown by pulling the Fire Alarm!

Neither I, nor my dad, got in trouble for the stunt I pulled, too many people thought it was funny.

I’ll let you in on a secret though. Most of them figured I had no idea what I was doing. Truth is, I knew exactly what I was doing. :-)

Ace Masters

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