Thursday, July 11, 2019

BUT . . . COMICS . . .

The following is one of the best experiences and favorite moments of my life. It combined three of my favorite and important things in my life: My Writing, Professional Wrestling and Comic books.

This took place in the summer of ’16 at a Click-Jab Wrestling event in downtown Phoenix. The Wrestling Show itself was not the big draw – the signing event was.

I call this true tale BUT . . . COMICS . . .

Dave Parrish and I attended this show, unfortunately the third member of our Wrestling Trimuvate was unable to make it.

At this show I met Divari, James Storm, EC3, GANGREL, was groped by two female wrestlers and met Bret ‘The Hit Man’ Hart! I didn’t believe anything could top finally meeting Bret Hart. I had missed meeting him years early during WrestleMania week because my Dad died that day.

But something did top meeting Bret Hart . . . that was meeting the then Ring Of Honor World Tag Team Champions of the World: Christopher Daniels and Frankie Kazarian, The Addiction (aka Bad Influence).

Knowing they are both big comic book fans I brought along copies of my original graphic novel Rushmore. When talking to them at their table, getting autographs and pictures, I gave them each a copy of Rushmore.

Part one of one of the best experiences and favorite moments of my life occurred right then: Kazarian handed me his pen and asked me to sign Rushmore for him! Chris did the same. How Cool is that? I came to meet them, get a pic and autographs, and they ask for mine!

Then part two happened! Kazarian stayed professional, there were other people in line. Daniels grabbed a chair, turned it to face the wall and started reading Rushmore! When Kazarian told him people were waiting, he just respond: “But . . . Comics!”

Of course Daniels went back to doing what he was there for, the meet and greet.

Part three happened later, when Kazarian and Daniels actually carried their copies of Rushmore to the ring with them for their match on the card.



Monday, June 17, 2019


The Blogs Are Back!

Starting Monday, July 1st with WrestleMentary!

When I originally announced this current Blog Hiatus, I said ALL my Blogs would return starting July 1st with WrestleMentary. Then, a few weeks later I mentioned pushing that return back to my Birthday, July 27th. Well, I’m changing that again and going back to the original plan: July 1st

As of Monday, July 1st the Blogs will return from Hiatus starting with Wrestlementary.

From there all the Blogs (except Wrestlementary) will return on the originally planned 2019 Monthly Schedule.

  • Wednesday, 7/3 – THE BURNING MIND
  • Thursday, 7/11 – THIS IS A TRUE STORY
  • Friday, 7/19 – WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW
  • Sunday, 7/28 – RAW FLESH
  • Wednesday, 7/31 – STATE OF THE MASTER

There is no set posting schedule for Wrestlementary as their will be more than one monthly post. So the schedule will be more random. There will however be regular WWE Coverage focused around the time of PPVs or the dreaded “Super Shows.”

As for the rest of the year, the Blogs should follow the following schedule. Though, there may be times I post a little more often.


  • 1ST Wednesday of each Month – THE BURNING MIND
  • 2ND Thursday of each Month – THIS IS A TRUE STORY
  • 3RD Friday of each Month – WHAT I WATCH I REVIEW
  • 4TH Sunday of each Month – RAW FLESH
  • Last Day of each Month – STATE OF THE MASTER
  • WrestleMentary: Random Posts

See you July 1st,

 - Ace

Monday, May 6, 2019

The State of the Blogs May 2019

Okay, this State Of is going out across all my Blogs. It’s a companion piece to my State of the Master.

I am far behind on all my Blogs because of my shoulder, and at times – I must admit – myself allowing my shoulder issues to stop me.

I started this year with great plans, but didn’t . . .

As I wrote in my State of the Master Blog, effective immediately I’m in going into Focus Mode and Catch Up Mode. I have to do this.

Originally, the plan was to officially suspend until July 1st. But that has changed due to an emergency.
My dog, Zoie, had to undergo emergency surgery to be spade (which was never done) and remove a breast growth. She is recovering now, and we have found out the tumor was a low-grade cancer, but it has all been removed.

This was very stressful on her, me and Mom. So I put everything to the side to take care of the little girl. She is doing fine right now and gets her cone and stitches removed Monday, May 13th. I could do no less for Zoie as she is the one who got my mom the day I collapse in the back yard from the Aneurysm, if not for her I may have died. 

That said, I am now suspending the Blogs until their return on my Birthday: Sunday, July 27th. The day the Blogs will return with RAW FLESH . . . and move forward from there.

As originally stated I will try and post on the original 2019 schedule from that point on AND post on a Catch Up Schedule, posting all the stuff from this year that hasn’t been posted.

Yes, I will be writing, editing and prepping all the Blog Posts I have missed up to that point.

I’ll also be getting caught up on projects this year that I have gotten behind on.

This is the LAST Time I will be doing this and suspending the Blogs. It’s something I have to do, for myself and to move forward.


Ace Masters.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Kick That Wall

Let me ask you a question – Have you ever meet that guy who thinks he can beat anyone up?

Maybe some jerk who thinks because he has studied martial arts he can fight anyone?

I’m sure most people have.

This is a True Story I call KICK THAT WALL.

This happened way back in High School, I think it was my sophomore year. I don’t even remember this guy’s name or much about him. I didn’t know him that well, and rarely had anything to do with him. I remember this, he seemed like a nice guy, not really a bully, but often came off like a jerk. He made sure that everybody knew he knew karate, and liked to showcase kicks to prove it. Jerk.

His attitude went against the whole point of martial arts.

He would often showcase his (claimed) skills in the most idiotic way. Kicking right at someone to show off. He would throw kicks over someone’s head to prove he could do it. He would also throw kicks right at someone’s head and stop just before hitting to show how much movement control he had – and that he could kick them if he wanted.

He tried this on me one day. I was walking by the library with a couple of friends, when he suddenly walked up and throw a round house kick at my head, stopping just short of hitting me in the temple. I never saw him until the last second, and flinched to avoid getting hit when I saw him out of the corner of my eye.

He laughed, thinking it was funny.

I was pissed and shoved his ass to the floor.

It was on.

He stood up, I dropped my bag and we were nose to nose, yelling and screaming. He didn’t like my reaction to his ‘goofing around,’ I didn’t like his asshole antics. I know people heard us, and some other students started showing up to see what was going on.

I shoved him back again. Pissed, he started throwing kicks to my head, but never fully extending his legs. He was trying to scare me and prove he could ‘take me out’ anytime.

I wasn’t an idiot. I keep stepping back, avoiding the kicks. I didn’t care if he or others here thought I was afraid. I finally hit the wall, with nowhere to go. He kept up the taunting, then I hit back. I mocked him for not having the guts to actually kick me, and for being a pussy who couldn’t fight.

This pissed him off and he went for a full force thrust kick right at my face. Again, I’m no idiot. I wasn’t going to stand there and let him kick me. He kicked, I moved . . .

And he put his foot THREW the damn wall!

Yes, this is true. He went to kick me right in the face, I moved and he put his foot through the plaster wall.

He stood there looking silly, trying to keep his balance on one foot while the other was stuck in the wall. And he wanted me to help him! TOUGH!

I grabbed my bag and left him there, he would get out himself or someone else who was around and watching would help him.

I did do one thing – I let him know that I could have hurt him and hurt him badly at that point and there would have been nothing he could do about it, but I chose not to.

 - Ace Masters

Friday, January 18, 2019

This Is A True Story . . . I Think I Am In A . . .

Hello All,

I know the brief ‘State Of’ was the first post for 2019, but here is the first actual True Story . . . and what a story.

It is a recent true story, with this event happening this past Halloween, Wednesday, October 31, 2018. And like any good story (Horror or not), it is scary, dramatic and funny at the same time.

At some point on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 31 I woke from a nap to find about 6 or 7 people staring down at me, overhead lighting glaring into my eyes and a simple question being asked: “Do you know where you are?”

Simple . . . Unless it is being asked by Hello Kitty.

Yep, Hello Kitty and friends were staring down at me, asking me “Do you know where you are?”

And let me be clear on this, Hello Kitty’s friends were Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula and a Ghost. Plus the scariest of them all when you wake up like this: Doctors and Nurses!

“In a hospital I think,” I answer sheepishly.

I know they were concerned, as they were running around, checking my vitals and asking me important questions. I think my confusion about what was going on concerned them even more, especially my slow and unsure sounding answer to: “Do you know where you are?”

What the Hell was I supposed to think? Waking up in a hospital, not expecting to be there when I laid down on my own bed AND I had Hello Kitty, Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula and a Ghost asking me questions?

For a moment I felt like I was in Boris Karloff’s Mad Monster ER!

That’s the funny part. The scary part is that at some point woke up from my nap and collapsed, and dear GREAT mom called 911.

The culprit: Walking Pneumonia.

The good news is everything is okay, and I’m good.

Moral of this story: Try not to get sent to ANY ER on Halloween.

Ace Masters

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The State of This Is A True Story for 2019

The State of This Is A True Story

The Truth?


You Sure?

Okay, here is The State of This Is A True Story – There is no State Of! Nope. I just wasn’t writing!

Well, that’s not totally true, I did write some stuff, even in the last few months of 2018. I think I even posted a few things.

But that is going to change for 2019! You will see, for your greedy little eyes, at least 12 True Stories during the course of 2019 – once a month – every Third Thursday.


It’s also True that I WILL keep to the 12 monthly posts (much easier than 52 weekly post a year).

It’s also True that I hope to post more than 12 a year – but we shall see.

There is really only one change to the blog, the True State Of, and that is scaling it back from Weekly to Monthly, which will make everything much easier on me.

Other than that, there will be one addition to the monthly blog: I will end each True Story with a lead-in to the next This Is A True Story.

Everything you have read above, in the past and to come is: TRUE.

Ace Masters

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Blog (s) on hiatus

Well, I’ve said this before, I will say it again: HERE WE GO AGAIN.

In August I put out a Blog Statement announcing I was putting my Blogs to a Monthly Schedule for the remainder of 2018 – excluding Raw Flesh.

The plan was to put them back on track on 2019.

Not long after posting that, after much consideration, I decided to put all Blogs, including RAW FLESH, on hiatus until 2019.

This was supposed to have been announced weeks ago, but didn’t happened because I was sick and spent Halloween in the hospital with pneumonia. Getting better was a more of a priority then posting.

In the New Year, the Blogs will return starting from scratch. I need to prioritize certain things and this is the best decision at the moment – and will be better for the Blogs in the long run.

Upon their return The Burning Mind, This Is A True Story, What I Watch I Review and Raw Flesh will be posted on a Monthly Basis. As the year progresses and things play out I may post more often, perhaps even moving back to a bi-weekly or weekly schedule.

Right now, a monthly schedule will be best.

I will however return to doing the Burning Mind weekly Reviews each Saturday.

Wrestlementary will be handled differently – an actual format for Wrestlementary will be figured out and announced later.

All Blogs Will Return with ‘State of’ initial posts on:

  • Monday, December 31st – State of the Master
  • Tuesday, January 1st – Wrestlementary
  • Wednesday, January 2nd – The Burning Mind
  • Thursday, January 3rd – This Is A True Story
  • Friday, January 4th – What I Watch I Review
  • Sunday, January 6th – Raw Flesh

Then, they will resume being posted on what is (for now) planned as the regular Schedule:

  • The Burning Mind – Wednesday, January 9th; Then the FIRST Wednesday of Each Month
  • This Is A True Story – Thursday, January 17; Then the SECOND Thursday of Each Month
  • What I Watch I Review – Friday, January 25; Then the THIRD Friday of Each Month
  • Raw Flesh – Sunday, January 27th, Then the FOURTH Sunday of Each Month
  • State of the Master – The Last Day of Each Month
  • Wrestlementary – TBA

So, for January expect two posts per Blog, then monthly after that. With Wrestlementary’s schedule to come.

I will still be making periodical postings to Facebook and Twitter with updates as we close in on the New Year.


Ace Masters.