Friday, January 18, 2019

This Is A True Story . . . I Think I Am In A . . .

Hello All,

I know the brief ‘State Of’ was the first post for 2019, but here is the first actual True Story . . . and what a story.

It is a recent true story, with this event happening this past Halloween, Wednesday, October 31, 2018. And like any good story (Horror or not), it is scary, dramatic and funny at the same time.

At some point on the afternoon of Wednesday, October 31 I woke from a nap to find about 6 or 7 people staring down at me, overhead lighting glaring into my eyes and a simple question being asked: “Do you know where you are?”

Simple . . . Unless it is being asked by Hello Kitty.

Yep, Hello Kitty and friends were staring down at me, asking me “Do you know where you are?”

And let me be clear on this, Hello Kitty’s friends were Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula and a Ghost. Plus the scariest of them all when you wake up like this: Doctors and Nurses!

“In a hospital I think,” I answer sheepishly.

I know they were concerned, as they were running around, checking my vitals and asking me important questions. I think my confusion about what was going on concerned them even more, especially my slow and unsure sounding answer to: “Do you know where you are?”

What the Hell was I supposed to think? Waking up in a hospital, not expecting to be there when I laid down on my own bed AND I had Hello Kitty, Frankenstein’s Monster, Dracula and a Ghost asking me questions?

For a moment I felt like I was in Boris Karloff’s Mad Monster ER!

That’s the funny part. The scary part is that at some point woke up from my nap and collapsed, and dear GREAT mom called 911.

The culprit: Walking Pneumonia.

The good news is everything is okay, and I’m good.

Moral of this story: Try not to get sent to ANY ER on Halloween.

Ace Masters

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