Wednesday, January 2, 2019

The State of This Is A True Story for 2019

The State of This Is A True Story

The Truth?


You Sure?

Okay, here is The State of This Is A True Story – There is no State Of! Nope. I just wasn’t writing!

Well, that’s not totally true, I did write some stuff, even in the last few months of 2018. I think I even posted a few things.

But that is going to change for 2019! You will see, for your greedy little eyes, at least 12 True Stories during the course of 2019 – once a month – every Third Thursday.


It’s also True that I WILL keep to the 12 monthly posts (much easier than 52 weekly post a year).

It’s also True that I hope to post more than 12 a year – but we shall see.

There is really only one change to the blog, the True State Of, and that is scaling it back from Weekly to Monthly, which will make everything much easier on me.

Other than that, there will be one addition to the monthly blog: I will end each True Story with a lead-in to the next This Is A True Story.

Everything you have read above, in the past and to come is: TRUE.

Ace Masters

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