Saturday, February 23, 2019

Kick That Wall

Let me ask you a question – Have you ever meet that guy who thinks he can beat anyone up?

Maybe some jerk who thinks because he has studied martial arts he can fight anyone?

I’m sure most people have.

This is a True Story I call KICK THAT WALL.

This happened way back in High School, I think it was my sophomore year. I don’t even remember this guy’s name or much about him. I didn’t know him that well, and rarely had anything to do with him. I remember this, he seemed like a nice guy, not really a bully, but often came off like a jerk. He made sure that everybody knew he knew karate, and liked to showcase kicks to prove it. Jerk.

His attitude went against the whole point of martial arts.

He would often showcase his (claimed) skills in the most idiotic way. Kicking right at someone to show off. He would throw kicks over someone’s head to prove he could do it. He would also throw kicks right at someone’s head and stop just before hitting to show how much movement control he had – and that he could kick them if he wanted.

He tried this on me one day. I was walking by the library with a couple of friends, when he suddenly walked up and throw a round house kick at my head, stopping just short of hitting me in the temple. I never saw him until the last second, and flinched to avoid getting hit when I saw him out of the corner of my eye.

He laughed, thinking it was funny.

I was pissed and shoved his ass to the floor.

It was on.

He stood up, I dropped my bag and we were nose to nose, yelling and screaming. He didn’t like my reaction to his ‘goofing around,’ I didn’t like his asshole antics. I know people heard us, and some other students started showing up to see what was going on.

I shoved him back again. Pissed, he started throwing kicks to my head, but never fully extending his legs. He was trying to scare me and prove he could ‘take me out’ anytime.

I wasn’t an idiot. I keep stepping back, avoiding the kicks. I didn’t care if he or others here thought I was afraid. I finally hit the wall, with nowhere to go. He kept up the taunting, then I hit back. I mocked him for not having the guts to actually kick me, and for being a pussy who couldn’t fight.

This pissed him off and he went for a full force thrust kick right at my face. Again, I’m no idiot. I wasn’t going to stand there and let him kick me. He kicked, I moved . . .

And he put his foot THREW the damn wall!

Yes, this is true. He went to kick me right in the face, I moved and he put his foot through the plaster wall.

He stood there looking silly, trying to keep his balance on one foot while the other was stuck in the wall. And he wanted me to help him! TOUGH!

I grabbed my bag and left him there, he would get out himself or someone else who was around and watching would help him.

I did do one thing – I let him know that I could have hurt him and hurt him badly at that point and there would have been nothing he could do about it, but I chose not to.

 - Ace Masters

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