Monday, October 23, 2017

This Is A True Hiatus

Well, this is the Last ‘This Is A True Story’ of the year (you can cry now), but never fear, it will return with all new stories on January 4th, 2018. And, yes (this is true), I will try even harder to keep this a weekly blog (true).

This year has been a great one. That is the True Story for this week. It has been filled with what is called Guy Cry moments and my social calendar went from non-existence to actually having a social life!! Even dates, with real girls (they do exist)!

The biggest Guy Cry moment of the year was getting the all clear from my Doctors concerning the Brain Aneurysm (Cranial Blood Vessel Rapture). The exact word used was: GREAT.

I did try to keep to the weekly schedule for this blog that I have proclaimed for the last few years, and for long stretches I did. But, as it always seems to happen, I just didn’t kept up weekly. True story.

So, right now, as of Thursday 10/26 ‘This Is A true Story’ is going on a Holiday Hiatus, until 2018.

See yea in the New Year.


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