Thursday, March 9, 2017


This is a True Story that just happened last week. In order to really understand it, one must be a comic book reader. Not just a fan (of say, just comic book movies), but actually read comic books. Specifically X-Men, New Mutants and X-Force.

Last Friday (March 3rd), I was driving home and drove past a theater – and thought it would be nice to see a movie. Then I suddenly remembered: Logan Opens today.

A second later I remembered something even better: I STILL HAD A FREE MOVIE PASS TO HARKINS THEATER!

Once home, I checked the movie times, took a nap, grabbed the pass and was Logan bound!

Seeing Logan is not what this story is about though, that will be a different blog (What I What I Review in next week). When I was in my back row corner seat, I saw a little old lady struggling to get up the stairs with her walker to find a seat.

One of the theater employees was helping her. Doing my good dead for the day, I went and offered my assistance. She didn’t want to use the handicap seat, to close to the screen for her. I helped her about half way up, until she found a seat she liked, on the edge of one of the back rows. A few seats in front of me.

She was very talkative in those few minutes – she is 82 years old and wore a . . . OLD MAN LOGAN t-shirt!

This is a True Story I call OLD MAN LOGAN’S OLDEST FAN?

This is true, I kid not. This little 82-year old lady wore an OLD MAN LOGAN shirt. It wasn’t just for show.

After the movie I decided to help her down the stairs – at least to make sure she made it down safely. She asked me an odd question: Did I know who Rictor was? (Movie Spoiler).

I answered that I did, and asked if she did.

Her response: “Of course, New Mutants and X-Force.”

I couldn’t believe this lady knew who Rictor was – the only child in Logan identified by name other than X-23/Laura.

If you read X-men comics, you’ll know Rictor and why I was surprised this lady knew him.

If you don’t read the comics, you won’t understand.


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