Thursday, March 16, 2017


This is not the story I had planned to post today, but this happened just yesterday. I still don’t know exactly what happened. Confused really. Whatever this was it went from me allowing a woman to go ahead of me when leaving a store, them me being a “fucking asshole.”

Yes, this is true. Yes, things like this do happen to me. Yes, I do have witnesses to some of these.

This is a True Store I call DON’T LOOK.

For this story I can’t change anyone’s name, because I don’t know the name.

Yesterday afternoon, around five PM, I went to my local Target to look for something. I didn’t find it, but since I had more errands to run, I decided to grab a coke. Since all I had was a coke, I used the new self-check and was one my way within two minutes.

As I stepped away from the self-check, a nice looking young lady came my way, heading toward the exit. I stopped, and let her go ahead of me. I recognized her as the person who had been at customer service when I walked in.

As she headed toward the door, she looked back and said, “Don’t look at my ass.”

WHAT?! I was taking a drink at the time and my eyes where nowhere near looking at her.

She left the store, and I was right after her. She headed down the same isle I was parked in. I really didn’t know what to think. Was she serious? Was this some odd come on?

She looked back again and said, “I said don’t look at my ass!”

She was serious. It felt like she was accusing me of something. I could have stepped to the side and went down another isle to my car, but that would be suspicious. Instead I figured out what I would say if she . . .

“Stop looking at my ass!”

I really don’t know what her problem was. “I would if you stopped looking to me,” I said as I continued on to my car.

It took her a few seconds to “get” what I said. As I got into my jeep, I heard a “Fucking Asshole,” yelled my way.


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