Friday, March 31, 2017


There are things I hate. Yes, I know Hate is a strong word.

One thing I hate: When people won’t take no for an answer. You know, the kind of people who will continue to try and force or talk a person into doing something they don’t want to, but the other person does.

Another thing I hate is when someone LIES to try and get one to do what they want. And even turns the table to try and make the person feel guilty for not doing it.

Most people will end up just doing what the person wants to appease them or shut them up. I don’t. I don’t let it slide either.

This is a true tale of a former client who tried to make me eat a dish I didn’t want to and don’t like – and lied to try and make me feel guilty for not eating it, and trying to force me to eat it.

This is a True Store I Call: BUT I MADE IT FOR YOU. NO YOU DIDN’T!

My mother and I had a client once that would often try to get me to try things, or give me things I didn’t want. She wouldn’t take NO for an answer. She was a nice person, but it got annoying.

One day, we were working for her and I overheard her telling my mom about a party she was holding that night, and how she specially made her “famous” Bean Casserole (or something like that) for the party. (Yes, she actually did refer to her Bean Casserole as famous).

A little later, she called me into the kitchen and had me sit down and served me a piece of her Bean Casserole. I declined, I wasn’t hungry I said. She insisted. I said no thank you.

She continued to insist and was getting pissy. I finally told her I don’t like beans – and I don’t. I hate them.

So, what did the bitch do? She fucking lied to my face and tried to guilt me into eating the stuff. She told me that she made the Bean Casserole specifically for me. Yes, she made it for me as a surprise. All of a sudden, she turned nasty. The party was out of the window, and she now said she made this dish strictly for me, and she felt so bad that I wouldn’t even taste it.

I finally had enough. I don’t let people get away with trying to push or guilt me. My response, “I thought you made this for your party?”

After this she never talked to me again. In fact, we stopped working for her a little later.

– Ace

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