Friday, March 31, 2017


There are things I hate. Yes, I know Hate is a strong word.

One thing I hate: When people won’t take no for an answer. You know, the kind of people who will continue to try and force or talk a person into doing something they don’t want to, but the other person does.

Another thing I hate is when someone LIES to try and get one to do what they want. And even turns the table to try and make the person feel guilty for not doing it.

Most people will end up just doing what the person wants to appease them or shut them up. I don’t. I don’t let it slide either.

This is a true tale of a former client who tried to make me eat a dish I didn’t want to and don’t like – and lied to try and make me feel guilty for not eating it, and trying to force me to eat it.

This is a True Store I Call: BUT I MADE IT FOR YOU. NO YOU DIDN’T!

My mother and I had a client once that would often try to get me to try things, or give me things I didn’t want. She wouldn’t take NO for an answer. She was a nice person, but it got annoying.

One day, we were working for her and I overheard her telling my mom about a party she was holding that night, and how she specially made her “famous” Bean Casserole (or something like that) for the party. (Yes, she actually did refer to her Bean Casserole as famous).

A little later, she called me into the kitchen and had me sit down and served me a piece of her Bean Casserole. I declined, I wasn’t hungry I said. She insisted. I said no thank you.

She continued to insist and was getting pissy. I finally told her I don’t like beans – and I don’t. I hate them.

So, what did the bitch do? She fucking lied to my face and tried to guilt me into eating the stuff. She told me that she made the Bean Casserole specifically for me. Yes, she made it for me as a surprise. All of a sudden, she turned nasty. The party was out of the window, and she now said she made this dish strictly for me, and she felt so bad that I wouldn’t even taste it.

I finally had enough. I don’t let people get away with trying to push or guilt me. My response, “I thought you made this for your party?”

After this she never talked to me again. In fact, we stopped working for her a little later.

– Ace

Monday, March 20, 2017


Last Wednesday I changed my mind on the True Story I planned on posting that Thursday, and posted about something that happened that Wednesday. Well, I had planned to push the original story back to today (Thursday), then this happened last Thursday after I posted DON’T LOOK.

Whatever happened I’m still confused about. So is my mom. It happened when we were leaving a Wal-Mart parking lot (see Wal-Mart again!), and were stuck at a Red Light, in a Left Turn Lane for almost twenty-minutes.

This is a True Story I Call Wave, Wave, Wave . . .

There are two ways out of this Wal-Mart Parking lot. The southern exit pulls right out onto an intersection of the Main Road and the Freeway, and right into construction. We decided to go out the west exit, where the construction had just finished and the road would take us straight home.

No cars were at the lights, and I pulled up and stopped at the red light. First in line, first to turn. At this exit one can only turn left or right, there is no road on the other side, just a field. The arrows were red and traffic was flowing nice. A few cars pulled up, turning right. Cars lined up behind us.

We were still there waiting. And Waiting.

And Waiting.

I considered pulling over and turning right, since that lane was empty. The only problem there, is it would take us in the opposite direction. Mom decided to wait.
The light didn’t change. Some cars pulled out from behind us, turning right – eventually getting stuck in the road works. Others started honking their horns.

At me! The arrow was red, and I wasn’t pulling out into traffic. The only thing I could think of, is someone wanted me to pull up further, and trip that imaginary line people believe there is that will make the lights change. It doesn’t exist people.

Finally, this blue coup driven by a haggard looking old lady pulled out of line from behind us into the right turn lane. She didn’t turn, instead she stopped by us, and started mouthing off. She actually started waving. Waving?

Not waving hello.

She mouthed off and was waving at me to Pull Out. My mom rolled down her window slightly and I heard, “Fucking Pull Up. Go . . .” and more. According to this haggard lady, I was holding up traffic, not the red light.

Then the guy behind her laid on his horn for her to turn.

I would have turned right, but that lane filled up. No one else made any gestures or mouthed off though.

The light finally turned Green and we went home.

My mother shrugged it off, explaining that she felt the woman was waving for us to turn right. My GREAT mom is like that. Always look for a good things, in a bad.
I felt different though, damn bitch wanted me to pull out and turn left on a red light, with traffic on the road!

As I wrote above, whatever happened there (and whichever of us is right), the whole thing with the haggard lady was confusing.

 – Ace

P.S. One thing, I don’t see how she could have been waving for me to turn right since she was in the right turn lane and I couldn’t turn with her there.

Thursday, March 16, 2017


This is not the story I had planned to post today, but this happened just yesterday. I still don’t know exactly what happened. Confused really. Whatever this was it went from me allowing a woman to go ahead of me when leaving a store, them me being a “fucking asshole.”

Yes, this is true. Yes, things like this do happen to me. Yes, I do have witnesses to some of these.

This is a True Store I call DON’T LOOK.

For this story I can’t change anyone’s name, because I don’t know the name.

Yesterday afternoon, around five PM, I went to my local Target to look for something. I didn’t find it, but since I had more errands to run, I decided to grab a coke. Since all I had was a coke, I used the new self-check and was one my way within two minutes.

As I stepped away from the self-check, a nice looking young lady came my way, heading toward the exit. I stopped, and let her go ahead of me. I recognized her as the person who had been at customer service when I walked in.

As she headed toward the door, she looked back and said, “Don’t look at my ass.”

WHAT?! I was taking a drink at the time and my eyes where nowhere near looking at her.

She left the store, and I was right after her. She headed down the same isle I was parked in. I really didn’t know what to think. Was she serious? Was this some odd come on?

She looked back again and said, “I said don’t look at my ass!”

She was serious. It felt like she was accusing me of something. I could have stepped to the side and went down another isle to my car, but that would be suspicious. Instead I figured out what I would say if she . . .

“Stop looking at my ass!”

I really don’t know what her problem was. “I would if you stopped looking to me,” I said as I continued on to my car.

It took her a few seconds to “get” what I said. As I got into my jeep, I heard a “Fucking Asshole,” yelled my way.


Thursday, March 9, 2017


This is a True Story that just happened last week. In order to really understand it, one must be a comic book reader. Not just a fan (of say, just comic book movies), but actually read comic books. Specifically X-Men, New Mutants and X-Force.

Last Friday (March 3rd), I was driving home and drove past a theater – and thought it would be nice to see a movie. Then I suddenly remembered: Logan Opens today.

A second later I remembered something even better: I STILL HAD A FREE MOVIE PASS TO HARKINS THEATER!

Once home, I checked the movie times, took a nap, grabbed the pass and was Logan bound!

Seeing Logan is not what this story is about though, that will be a different blog (What I What I Review in next week). When I was in my back row corner seat, I saw a little old lady struggling to get up the stairs with her walker to find a seat.

One of the theater employees was helping her. Doing my good dead for the day, I went and offered my assistance. She didn’t want to use the handicap seat, to close to the screen for her. I helped her about half way up, until she found a seat she liked, on the edge of one of the back rows. A few seats in front of me.

She was very talkative in those few minutes – she is 82 years old and wore a . . . OLD MAN LOGAN t-shirt!

This is a True Story I call OLD MAN LOGAN’S OLDEST FAN?

This is true, I kid not. This little 82-year old lady wore an OLD MAN LOGAN shirt. It wasn’t just for show.

After the movie I decided to help her down the stairs – at least to make sure she made it down safely. She asked me an odd question: Did I know who Rictor was? (Movie Spoiler).

I answered that I did, and asked if she did.

Her response: “Of course, New Mutants and X-Force.”

I couldn’t believe this lady knew who Rictor was – the only child in Logan identified by name other than X-23/Laura.

If you read X-men comics, you’ll know Rictor and why I was surprised this lady knew him.

If you don’t read the comics, you won’t understand.


Thursday, March 2, 2017


I have written about JAG a few times, an office where I used to work. JAG was a division of a larger mental health services company I once worked for in Phoenix, AZ. Before JAG I was a billing manager for the company out of their Goodyear, AZ office.

This office was out in the boonies, the fringes of the Metro Phoenix area. A small office of about 8 people total. Myself, the receptionist, a doctor, a college intern and therapists. My best friend at the time, Gil, worked IT for the company. Once or twice a week he would come out to our office, and the two of us always did lunch, or dinner after work.

One lunch, he took me down to a Mexican restaurant about a mile from the office for lunch. Turned out he had been eating at this place for a long time, before the Goodyear office even opened.

This is a True Story I call WELL DONE.

There wasn’t much on the menu that I liked, except for the Steak (I love Steak). I ordered the Steak and asked for it to be Well Done. BANG!!!

You would think I just – BANG!! – tried to rob the place. The server got pissed and started to mock me. Apparently having a steak well done is for pussies. She tried to convince me to have it medium rare, but I insisted.

Gil, joking, got in on the mocking. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy,

When are food came out, the cook came with it. This ass let it know he didn’t like Well Done.

The steak was actually good, but the experience was terrible. The only reason I stayed was because Gill drove and paid for lunch.

We haven’t even got to the good part yet of this story yet, as this wasn’t the only time I ate here. There were a couple of other times I got railroaded into this place, with the same experiences.

Then came the fateful day, an office dinner. Our entire office – eight or nine total, including Gil – went to dinner there. I wasn’t happy, but went along for office unity. As always, I ordered the steak, well done. I received the usual mocking – evening from my co-workers - but let it slide.

The next day only three of us showed up at the office. Everyone else was sick!

Guess what? I (we) found out that this restaurant already had a health violation against it, and had failed an inspection earlier that week. They were shut down for two weeks or so to make changes.

Can anyone say food poisoning?

The only reason I wasn’t puking my guts out was because I had my steak Well Done.

Almost everything at this place was undercooked – hence the food poisoning.

The place did reopen a little while later. I never returned. Gil I don’t believe went back. Some other co-workers did. At least one got sick again.

Then it happened again – BANG! – another health violation!

The restaurant eventually shut down, or was closed down depended on the source, because nothing was well done.

The thing I could never figure out is why my co-workers – who got food poisoning from this place more than once – actually missed the place.
