Thursday, August 4, 2016

'Why Would You Say That?'

At a recent Arizona Wrestling Federation event, Dave Parrish and I had a change of heart concerning a wrestler we were both iffy on. Because of his reaction to something said by someone (Dave), I at least became a fan. Dave as well, I believe.


The name of the Wrestler is hidden, I am only using his initials, for this might be embarrassing to him, I don’t know.

It was, I believe, the opening match of the show. Dave and I had our normal seats in the back corner, by the nice cool fans and directly across from the wrestler’s entrance. It was JS versus the ever popular Exciting Evan Daniels.

JS was announced first, did his entrance – too boos. He spent Daniels ‘exciting’ entrance in the corner by us, warming up for his match when Dave shouted:
“Rip his head off, Evan!”

JS’s reaction to this was classic and very real. He looked over at us, unsure which one of us spoke, looked hurt with sad eyes and said, “Why would you want that . . . I’d be dead.” Dave shrugged his shoulders. “Why would you say that?” JS pleaded.

Real emotions or not, it was a great reaction to a common expression at wrestling events “rip his head off!”

It was such a great reaction, that I had to cheer for the guy. He ended up losing, but put on the best match I had seen him do to that date.

Here is a guy I actually booed, but whose reaction to a staple comment was so awesome, it made me a fan.

Dave and I talked to him after the show, and he turned out to be a really cool guy.
So, no more “rip his head off” for JS. Well, at least against him.

Ace Masters


  1. I believe I actually yelled 'Kick his head off' but either way, the reaction was real.

  2. Hmmm . . . kick. You may be right, I may have to edit the piece. After I RIP YOUR HEAD OFF for correcting me!!!
