Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Going To Hell . . .

Do you know anyone in your life that you can’t stand? Somebody that everybody else seems to like and consider a good person. Someone you know isn’t a good person? I do.

Dislike is the word I will use here, even though that isn’t strong enough. This woman is one of my mother’s clients, and hence one of mine. Unfortunately. My mother tends to see the good in everyone, even this woman.

Me? Just the fact that I know this woman is a detriment to my life. Knowing there are times I have to deal with her makes me miserable. Hell, writing this piece about her, makes me want to puke.

This is A True Story I call Going To Hell . . . and it is about one of the nicest things this women has ever said to me.

This took place about two or so years ago, when my mother and I were doing some work for this women. My mother was in the other side of the house, while I was in the living room trying to get a new TV hooked up.

She started to ask me questions about if I was married, did I have a girlfriend, how often I had sex (seriously). Specifically if I was engaging in pre-marital sex. The conversation she was having – I barely said anything – was way out of line.

I finally told her that I am not married, and have no plans on getting married.

She asked why, and I told her honestly – I haven’t meet the right woman, and I have no desire to get married.

This pissed her off and she went on a tirade. She called being unmarried at 40 an act of evil and the work of the devil. She told me, “You are fucking up God’s plan, and you are damned to hell.”

Damned to hell because I am not married.

I tried to play it off, but she wasn’t joking. Seriously, this woman is a senior citizen, but she doesn’t have dementia or alhamzimer, and she wasn’t joking. She made it very clear a number of times: I’m going to hell because I am not married, and being single is against the will of God.

Every time I have to do work for this bitch, she brings it up. And, as I wrote above, this is perhaps the nicest thing she has ever said to me.

Case in point: after getting out of the hospital after my aneurism, my head was saved, my face swollen and bruised and my foot long scare on my skull was visible. She never asked me how I was doing or if I was okay, she told me: You finally look good.

True – but she’s a good person.


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