Friday, August 26, 2016

This . . . This is A True Story: SIR, YOU DIDN'T . . .

I hate Wal-Mart for a myriad of reasons. Any and all of them make sense and are true. This is a brief story involving Wal-Mart, an employee and I. It also involved potential embarrassment, and bullshit allegations.

This is a True Story I call: SIR, YOU DIDN'T . . .

Every morning Wednesday I go to Drawn to Comics to get my weekly books. Unless some crap comes up, I am there when they open at 9AM. On this Wednesday morning I stopped off briefly at the Neighborhood Wal-Mart to get a drink, a bottle of coke.

It just took a couple of minutes, I grabbed a cold bottle, went through the self-check and out to the car.

I heard someone frantically calling “Sir! Sir!” I kept going to the car, no idea who was being called.

Then I heard this, “Sir, you didn’t pay for that soda!” Twice this was yelled out.

I turned around, soda in hand to find a woman running up to me. The parking lot was packed. People stopped what they were during and were staring over at me. All anyone knew was that a man (me), was being approached by a Wal-Mart employee screaming that I didn’t pay.

The woman than said this, “Sir, you didn’t paid for the soda. I never saw you check out.” There were quite a few people around by this time, and all could hear her.

I told her that I did pay for the soda, at the self-check.

She said, ‘Ok,’ turned around and made back for the store.

Really, I thought. She chased me down out of the store, claimed I never paid and didn’t check out and now was just walking off. I had at least a dozen people in the parking lot who witnessed this and were staring at me. I just couldn’t let it go.

I jammed my hand into my pocket and pulled out the crumpled receipt. “Here’s the receipt,” I said as she was leaving.

She looked back over at me and said she didn’t need to see it.

I was pissed. I wasn’t kind here either when I told her she needed to see the receipt. She came running out of the store, with claims that I didn’t check out – in other words that I stole the soda – she was going to look at the damn receipt.

She refused and went back into the store and never did look at the damn receipt.

I went into the store and talked to one of the manager. They wouldn’t listen, and refused my complaint. He told me that since I had a receipt, he didn’t see what my problem was.

You might think that this was just one incident and one employee . . . this was the first time, and not the last.


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