Wednesday, August 15, 2018

This is a True Story - A Blog Statement

I have recently posted the full Blog Statement on Facebook and my State of the Master Blog (Read Here:

Few and far between have been my Blog posts. Recently I’ve gotten somewhat back on track, but not enough.

So, long story short – I am announcing a change to This Is A True Story. That is it will be going monthly for the remainder of 2018, starting September – The First Thursday of each month.

In December I will decide whether to keep it monthly, or try going back to the original weekly schedule.



Thursday, August 9, 2018

Exciting Blood on Your Hands

This True Story happened about two years ago at an Arizona Wrestling Federation event in Glendale, Arizona. This time I will not be changing the names of any involved.

The people directly involved in this incident were Wrestlementary Crew Member Dave, and wrestlers Alexander Hammerstone and Exciting Evan Daniels.

And it was a Bloody Good Time watching all this happen.

This is a True Story I Call Exciting Blood on Your Hands.

As is normal Dave and I arrived to the show early and took our seats. It’s general seating at these shows, and this time we grabbed front row seat right next to a pillar. It’s a solid, load bearing pillar that spans the entire height of the building.

Rock Solid.

Dave was being Dave, load, vocal, die hard and pissed off Alexander Hammerstone – who was working the show as a Heel. It didn’t help that Dave was wearing an Exciting Evan Daniels shirt that night, Hammerstone’s than arch-enemy, and opponent for the night.

It also didn’t help that Dave made sure to tell Hammerstone that Daniels was going to beat him as he walked by us to the back. Normally, I get in on it and get into it with some of the guys as well, all part of the show.

But I stayed out of it this time, and didn’t have Dave’s back. This was similar too, and not long after, Dave pissing off Randy Orton at Smackdown. Only difference, there was no barrier here and we weren’t thirty feet away.

Hammerstone, as he is known to do, bent over, hands on knees and got into Dave’s face. Looking angry, evil and more devil than god, he told him “Evan Daniels Blood will be on your hands.” It was quite chilling.

It was also quite prophetic.

Later that night, during their match Hammerstone dragged Daniels over to us, held him in front of Dave, and told Dave “This is on you.” He then proceeded to put Daniels head against the pillar . . .  and kick him right in the head.

Blood spilled. A section of the white pillar turned crimson.

Hammerstone than took some of Daniels blood, stood in front of us, and while yelling at Dave, smeared into onto his chest. Then threaten “You’re next.”

So far, Dave is still here.


Thursday, August 2, 2018

This is a True Story I call WTF!

This True Story is a follow up piece to The Greatest Escape ( It briefly tell some weird moments after the events of that True Tale.

This is a True Story I call WTF!

I found out after hanging up on her that she planned on moving to the mid-west to be with her father (I forget which state). Her parents had been divorced for years, and she lived here to be close to her mother.

Yes, she planned on moving even after we would have been married and expected me to move with her. Without ever mentioning one word to me. I found out from one of her friends, who also told me I was going to go because “She said so.” Hell no.

A couple of weeks after all this happened she left me a voicemail. She wanted me to meet her at the store where we bought our rings, so we could return them. She had specific instructions: I come alone and she was coming with her brother and cousins.

I had the rings and we had both paid for them. I’m not stupid though, no way was I showing up alone while she brought family. I never answered, and I never went at the time she wanted. I don’t even know if she ever went herself.

Losing out on the money I had put down on the rings was worth it to be rid of her.

Not so long later I found out that she did move back to the mid-west. I felt free.

A few years ago I learned she married some guy and had three kids. After telling me and many other people she couldn’t have kids.

Either way, I was free. Or so I thought.

One day a few weeks after she left I got a call from her mother. A nice lady, if kooky. We talked and she apologized about how Missy treated me and told me a lot of things. This is where I learned about a lot of the lies Missy had told me.

Lies that her mother knew about all the time and never once mentioned even when we were engaged. She would have let me go through with it. Anyway, this confirmed that I made the right move. I got away.

She told me that if I ever needed anything to let her know. She would be there. All the typical stuff one says. I kept in touch with her for a little while, until a true WTF moment happened.

I got a call from her, abruptly letting me know her son was leaving for the week and she wanted me to come over and stay with her. She told me, “I’ll make you forget my daughter.”


After that, I was finally free.

That final call explained everything.
