Monday, October 23, 2017

This Is A True Hiatus

Well, this is the Last ‘This Is A True Story’ of the year (you can cry now), but never fear, it will return with all new stories on January 4th, 2018. And, yes (this is true), I will try even harder to keep this a weekly blog (true).

This year has been a great one. That is the True Story for this week. It has been filled with what is called Guy Cry moments and my social calendar went from non-existence to actually having a social life!! Even dates, with real girls (they do exist)!

The biggest Guy Cry moment of the year was getting the all clear from my Doctors concerning the Brain Aneurysm (Cranial Blood Vessel Rapture). The exact word used was: GREAT.

I did try to keep to the weekly schedule for this blog that I have proclaimed for the last few years, and for long stretches I did. But, as it always seems to happen, I just didn’t kept up weekly. True story.

So, right now, as of Thursday 10/26 ‘This Is A true Story’ is going on a Holiday Hiatus, until 2018.

See yea in the New Year.


Wednesday, October 4, 2017

This is a True Story: MINNIE DESERVES IT.

Have you ever pulled a fast one on someone so convincing they actually fall for it? When you didn’t even mean to pull anything at all?

Recently, I had a very humorous incident with my beloved mother – in which I said something on the spur of the moment . . .

This is a True Story I call MINNIE DESERVES IT.

My mother and I were at one of her friend’s house – watching things while she was out. I was at the fridge, raiding the soda, she was standing over at the breakfast nook looking at something.

I turned around as she held up a mouse trap. It was about the size of her hand, still wrapped in clear plastic, with a piece of cheese attacked to it. “She’s going to kill Minnie,” she cried. My kind-hearted mother was truly hurt by this thought.

That’s when I hit her up with this: “The little whore deserves it.” I just made this stuff up on the spur of the moment, but it was good and I apparently delivered it so seriously, “She’s married to Mickey, sleeping with Goofy and having Donald’s kid.”

The look of shock, awe mixed with belief was amazing. “Really?” My mother said with her mouth little a gasped, she believed every word I had just let fly.

I stuttered for a moment, unsure what to say. Her reaction was not one I expected, and it was genuine. “Uh, no, mom.” I must have had some look on my face. “They’re just cartoon characters.”

“I know that!” She said, still with the mouse trap in hand.

“Did you believe me?” I asked.

She never gave me a direct answer. “Well, how would I know? I don’t keep up with that stuff. I don’t know what they’re are doing on those shows. You do.”

Yes, seriously. I made a sarcastic, spur of the moment quip (a really good one), and for a split second my mother honestly believe it. She thought, just maybe, it was something being done in a story, not just me making crap up.

Gotta love her.

Though, to be honest, it would be cool if Disney did do something like that.
