Thursday, April 20, 2017

Max and the Lady Part 2

As I wrote last story, Lady – the Pitbull – was afraid of Max – The Turtle – after Max snapped at her when she tried to eat his dinner one day.

She was afraid of the little guy for quite some time. Eventually she started to go near him again, but rarely close enough to sniff like at one time. I’m sure she remembered him snapping at her, and in her mind it was probably for no good reason.

Well, one day years later I witnessed one of the most unbelievable and beautiful things I have ever seen.

This is a True Story I call Max and the Lady Part 2

It can be amazing to discover something new – and scary.

This was something I had never thought of until I saw it one day: A Bird tried to pick up Max. Yes, a bird tried to pick up Max and fly off with him. This happened more than once. For food I guess, never thought about it before the first time.

One morning, very early, around one or two AM, Lady started to bark. She often barked when she needed to go outside to do her business. This wasn’t just one loud bark – it was continuous and she sounded upset. I got up, checked on her and put the lights on out back.

I saw birds in the yard and that was it.

I let Lady out and she bolted straight for the birds, scattering and running them out of the yard. I had no idea what was going on. I ran over and found Max on his back, trying desperately to turn over. Lady nudged him with her nose, and his feet just waved about in the air.

I watched as she put her entire snout under him and flipped him over onto his feet. He stayed there for a second, got his bearings on the rocks, then slowly walked off.

Lady? She let out a massive sigh, plopped to the ground and watched him walk off with what looked like a giant grin.

Lady had seen Max on his back, with the birds pecking at him. She barked her head off to be let out, then went to his rescue.

Friends again.


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