Thursday, September 29, 2016

A Scare

A Scare

This is a True Story I call . . . A SCARE.

This is a very recent event, and a very scare one. No joke.

On Tuesday, September 13, after getting home from work, I took a nap. It was around two in the afternoon. I woke up about four-thirty, felt good, stretched out and started doing some things. Then, it felt like my shirt bunch up in my right armpit. Just one issue . . .

I wasn’t wearing a shirt.

I felt my armpit, and quickly called my mom over. She felt the same thing – a golf ball sized lump. One that wasn’t there when I had laid down. I called my doctor’s office and I got an appointment that Friday, and canceled out my plans for that afternoon.
I spent Tuesday evening on-line looking up possibilities of what it could be. The good news is that I found about a dozen different things other than cancer. Still, the mind goes where it will . . .

As does time . . . especially when one is waiting to see the doctor, time does what it will . . . a 4:15 P.M. appointment turns into 5:00 P.M. and waiting very quickly, and feels agonizingly slow. I was finally called back and went through the motions with one of his assistants and finally saw the doc around 5:15 P.M. promptly.

He gave my arm a thorough exam and put my mind at ease fairly quickly – it was just an infection. A bad one, but just an infection. Nothing overly serious, or to be greatly concerned about . . . unless the medication didn’t work and it lingered.

Good news is, it isn’t cancer! Better news is that over the course of the week the sulfur based medicine he prescribed worked . . . and kicked my ass. For all of last week (9/18-9/24), I was literally walking around in a haze, unable to focus, sleep or eat. If this medicine had a side-effect, I experienced – except for a rash.

The best news is this, the infection is gone (I hope), at least the lump has gone completely away and my arm is back to normal. I am can put my arm down, and the burning sensation is gone.

This past week, I had an x-ray follow up and normal bloodwork done. Monday I see the doctor for my follow up appointment and see what’s up.

So, that was my last couple of weeks and my scary moment.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

You call that Hot?

Well, it’s Thursday and my THIS IS A TRUE STORY blog post is one time. Yep. This is it . . . and that is my True Story for this week.

Ok, that last part was a lie, but the first part wasn’t.

I love Hot Wings, as anyone who has ever eaten out with me can attest too. I have had Hot Wings in numerous players across Arizona, and in other areas. Including a place or two that actually have people sign waivers . . .

This is a True Story I call . . .  YOU CALL THAT HOT . . .

In Baltimore there is a place – I forgot the name – that is supposed to be famous for its Hot Wings. I might use the word Infamous, rather than famous. Infamous for making people sign waivers, than for their wings.

My friends and I stopped into this place to eat, and of course I was dared by my friends to take the Hot Wing challenge. I did, ordering twelve hot wings and a coke.
The waitress tried to talk me out of having the wings. They’re really hot and most people can’t handle them. That only made me want them more.

After she finally took my order, a manager come out and explained to me that if I want the Hot Wings, I needed to sign a waiver – this is completely serious. It seems that some people have bad reaction to the heat.

I signed the damn waiver and asked for the hottest they have. Eventually my wings came out, but before I could dig in, they brought out a pitcher of water ‘on the house.’ I was told I was going to need it. They were going all out to prove how badass their hot wings were.

Fifteen minutes later, I finished my wings, drank only half of my coke and never touched the water. The waitress came back to see how I was doing (expecting me to be gagging on the heat of the wings), and I was fine.

In fact I asked for another twelve wings . . . bad mistake.

She got pissed, never said anything and pointed to the door. I repeated that I would like a second order of wings, and she just pointed to the door.

So, I got up and left.

A few minutes later my friends left, thinking the whole thing funny. We got out of there quickly before they realized they never charged me for the wings!


I had a similar incident at a placed called Max’s right here in Glendale, AZ. This was one of the first times I meet my buddy Dave Parrish. I had their Hot Wings and some Iced Tea, I was brought a second glass of Iced Tea and told I would need it.

Insulted, I ate all the wings, without taken a sip of the Iced Tea. Then I was basically kicked out of Max’s. :-(

The moral of this story? Don’t blame me if your Hot Wings are Not Wings.

Being kicked out of places like this is a badge of honor to a guy like me.

**** DISCLAIMER No actual Hot Wings were eaten in these two places. At best, the wings were mild. END DISCLAIMER ****
