Thursday, December 1, 2016

He Sucks . . . He Sucks . . . Even at the Wrong Event

Yes, this is another wrestling related true story, but it is kinda of a funny one.

Back in 20120 TNA Wrestling held their signature event Bound For Glory at the Grand Canyon University arena in Phoenix, AZ. Guess who was ringside. Yep. ME!

But, as good as that was, it is not the story. Nor is the actual PPV event. The real story is what happened outside the arena while people were waiting to be let in.

This is a True Story I call: He Sucks . . . He Sucks . . . Even at the Wrong Event

The show started at 6P.M., I arrived between 4:30 and 5, and the place was already packed. I parked and found my way to the arena where fans were waiting outside for the doors to open. I talked to a few people, mingled, ran into a few people I knew when something amazing happened. Something that happened for no obvious reason I knew of.

Something that caught me completely off guard.

Keep in mind this was TNA Wrestling.


Yes, for some reason a CENA SUCKS chant broke out at TNA Bound For Glory. NO I DIDN’T START IT.
And no, there wasn’t even one LET’S GO CENA chant.

Yes, I joined in (Card carrying Cena hater.)

It was a weirdly amazing moment. Outside the arena for a major non-WWE PPV, a promotion John Cena has never worked for and a CENA SUCKS chant oddly breaks out.
